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Artículos sobre New research

Mostrando 361 - 380 de 417 artículos

A study found that 22.8% of college students had experienced at least four adverse childhood experiences. Carol Yepes/Getty Images

Effects of childhood adversity linger during college years

Multiple difficult childhood experiences can lead to depression and anxiety during college, research has found. Lack of support often makes things worse.
Images of students on school Facebook pages could fall into the wrong hands. Sol de Zuasnabar Brebbia/Getty Images

School posts on Facebook could threaten student privacy

When school officials post photos about students on Facebook, they may be inadvertently enabling data mining firms and others to use the information for other purposes, new research has found.
The Postal Service has over 30,000 retail locations in the U.S, including off the Appalachian Trail in Caratunk, Me. AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

Postal banking could provide free accounts to 21 million Americans who don’t have access to a credit union or community bank

About a quarter of census tracts with a post office lack a credit union or community bank, making the US Postal Service an efficient way to help more Americans get low-cost bank accounts.
A student’s drawings of a scientist upon starting and after completing the Young Scientists Program. USC Young Scientists Program

Sending science majors into elementary schools helps Latino and Black students realize scientists can look like them

After completing a hands-on STEM program, students in Los Angeles were more likely to draw scientists as people of color or themselves instead of stereotypical white men in lab coats.
A simple two-dimensional grid can convey a lot of information – whether making pictures with Lite-Brite or storing data in DNA. Justin Day/Flickr

DNA ‘Lite-Brite’ is a promising way to archive data for decades or longer

DNA has been storing vast amounts of biological information for billions of years. Researchers are working to harness DNA for archiving data. A new method uses light to simplify the process.
Does being told that a veggie burger, like the one on the right, is better for the environment make you more likely to choose it over beef? AP Photo/Nati Harnik

Taste alone won’t persuade Americans to swap out beef for plant-based burgers

New research shows that consumers are more likely to choose a plant-based meat option if they’re informed of their social benefits – or the environmental costs of beef consumption.
Chronic absenteeism rates fell 8 percentage points among schools in Nevada and Colorado that adopted the ‘Breakfast after the Bell’ program. Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Breakfast After the Bell programs reduce school absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism is a pressing issue in high-poverty schools, but research suggests that serving students breakfast during class can help keep kids in school.

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