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Artículos sobre Pain

Mostrando 121 - 140 de 201 artículos


On poetry and pain

There are several ways into the book Shaping the Fractured Self: poetry of chronic illness and pain, edited by Heather Taylor Johnson. And there are many uses it might serve in the multiple worlds of poetry…
Drug related deaths are on the rise, but federal funds to programs that mitigate drug abuse are being cut in 2018. Me/flickr

The opioid epidemic in 6 essential reads

Drug deaths are rising faster than ever. How did we get here and what to do about it?
Medical procedures on your kids are stressful for you - but your stress can make their pain worse. from

Parents’ reactions can lessen or worsen pain for injured kids

A study found parents who were less distressed were more able to support their child during a medical procedure, and this increased the child’s ability to cope and decreased child distress and pain.
Our brains tell our bodies to move differently when we have pain. from

Can the way we move after injury lead to chronic pain?

Our brains tell our bodies to move differently when we have pain. And there is emerging evidence to show changing how we move could actually contribute to the development of chronic pain.
People need spaces in which they can speak honestly about their pain and anger. Shutterstock

South Africa must create safe spaces where anger and hatred can be heard

Universities are so busy trying to make ends meet that there’s no time to listen to their communities’ stories. It’s crucial to develop safe spaces where tough conversations can happen.
There is a clear link between pain and depression, but does pain make us depressed, or does depression cause pain? Jayakumar Ananthan/Unsplash

The link between chronic pain and depression: which comes first?

Having already had depression or anxiety increases the risk of developing persistent pain, and developing a chronically painful condition dramatically increases chances of becoming depressed.

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