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Artículos sobre Pain

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 201 artículos

A part of the brain called the lateral parabrachial nucleus regulates pain, anxiety and breathing. Aleksei Morozov/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Pain and anxiety are linked to breathing in mouse brains – suggesting a potential target to prevent opioid overdose deaths

Opioids can cause death by slowing breathing to dangerously low levels, or stopping it altogether. Examining one area of the brain may eventually lead to safer painkillers.
Mathematical literacy can allow us to listen to historically marginalized voices that are less heard yet powerful and strong to analyze interlocking systems of violence and oppression. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, File)

Power in numbers: Making visible the violence against racialized women

While the mobilization of mathematical literacy can be a powerful tool in the context of social movements, there is also dangers in numerating violence and pain.
At critical developmental periods when young children are learning about themselves, others and the world, they are frequently seeing pain portrayed unrealistically in kids’ TV shows and movies. (Shutterstock)

Disney, Pixar and Netflix are teaching your children the wrong messages about pain

In children’s media, pain is depicted alarmingly frequently, usually unrealistically and often violently, but without empathy or help. These images of pain send all the wrong messages.
The Spike protein on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 must bind to proteins on the surface of human cells to trigger an infection. KTSDESIGN/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images

A second pathway into cells for SARS-CoV-2: New understanding of the neuropilin-1 protein could speed vaccine research

Scientists in the UK and Germany discovered a new doorway that the COVID-19 virus uses to infect human cells. This reveals new therapeutic possibilities for blocking the virus.
One-year-old Quentin Brown is held by his mother, Heather Brown, as he eyes a swab while being tested for COVID-19 at a new walk-up testing site at Chief Sealth High School in Seattle on Aug. 28, 2020. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

6 tips to prepare your child for easy COVID-19 testing

Child health psychologists offer research-based strategies to prepare kids for pain-free and distress-free COVID-19 testing.

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