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Artículos sobre Pain

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 201 artículos

A study by the Apicil Chair in Health and Work Performance at EM Lyon business school highlights the link between chronic pain and engagement in work. Nopphon_1987/Shutterstock

Chronic pain, a silent yet devastating disease in the workplace

A new study shows that stress, fatigue, and even feelings of injustice are felt more strongly by those who have been suffering from chronic pain for three or more months.
Of Jennifer Silva’s sample of 108 working-class people, over two-thirds didn’t even vote in the 2016 election. AP Photo/Keith Srakocic

Why do so many working class Americans feel politics is pointless?

A sociologist spent over a year interviewing black, white and Latino residents of a declining coal town in central Pennsylvania, plumbing the sources of their political disillusionment.

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