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Artículos sobre PNAS (journal)

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 50 artículos

Bruises fade, but stress stays on. Teenager bullying image via Helder Almeida/Shutterstock

The health impact of childhood bullying can last a lifetime

It is still not clear how the experience of being bullied in childhood translates into long-lasting health problems. A new US study has found that victims of bullying have high levels of a protein in their…
Even bacteria get sick. Zappys Technology Solutions's photostream

Scientists pinpoint when harmless bacteria became flesh-eating monsters

Bacterial diseases cause millions of deaths every year. Most of these bacteria were benign at some point in their evolutionary past, and we don’t always understand what turned them into disease-causing…
Truly expressing yourself is more complex than you might think. donatopirolo/Flickr

Happily disgusted? It could show all over your face

Your face plays an important role in the experience and expression of emotion. Yet despite the complexity of the human face, which has 43 muscles in all, most of existing facial expression research focuses…
Wild chickens are everywhere in Hawaii but how did they get there? Flickr/jaybergesen

Chickens tell tale of human migration across Pacific

Holiday in Hawaii and one of the birds you’re most likely to encounter is the chicken. You find them everywhere from beaches, to car parks and on walks through the bushland. The locals warn that your chance…
Volcanoes can help life survive in the cold. Flickr/august allen

Antarctic volcanoes help preserve life in the freezer

Antarctica was once covered in lush, subtropical forests, inhabited by diverse plants and animals including large dinosaurs. That’s going back many millions of years. These days, Antarctica is 99.7% covered…
Not so special anymore. fdecomite

After 400 years, mathematicians find a new class of solid shapes

The work of the Greek polymath Plato has kept millions of people busy for millennia. A few among them have been mathematicians who have obsessed about Platonic solids, a class of geometric forms that are…
Disabling a country’s electricity with the click of a button. usairforce

New cyber-attack model helps hackers time the next Stuxnet

Of the many tricks used by the world’s greatest military strategists, one usually works well – taking the enemy by surprise. It is an approach that goes back to the horse that brought down Troy. But surprise…
Science needs a revolution: it’s time to rise and act. Eric Risberg/AP

How to break free from the stifling grip of luxury journals

Last week was the most memorable week of my scientific career. Accompanied by family, friends and colleagues, I was honoured with the award of a Nobel Prize in an unforgettable ceremony and banquet. That…
So, you found my ancestors? Are you sure this time? epsos

Earliest evidence of cat domestication found in China

There has been much debate about how cats went from hunting in the wild to a much-loved pet. That is because we know little about their domestication. Now researchers have found the earliest case of cat…
It’s no surprise the TV coverage makes you want a drink. Elise Amendola/AP

Media more stressful for some than witnessing Boston bombs

Those who experience a terrorist attack firsthand are prone to suffer from acute stress. That much is obvious. But does living that experience repeatedly through the media’s coverage of the event cause…
Shades of 60 elements that make a computer chip. intelfreepress

Metals in your smartphone have no substitutes

A few centuries ago, there were just a few widely used materials: wood, brick, iron, copper, gold and silver. Today’s material diversity is astounding. A chip in your smartphone, for instance, contains…
No one has a perfect memory. alinassiri

People who don’t forget can still be tricked with false memories

“Time is the thief of memory,” wrote Stephen King in one of his many books. For some people, however, that is not true. They are gifted with what scientists call highly superior autobiographical memory…
Icy routes were laid for sliding super-size stones. inkelv1122

Chinese used ice-path sleds to move Forbidden City’s boulders

While visiting and enjoying the architecture of the Forbidden City in China, three researchers wondered how large rocks weighing many hundreds of tons were transported to the site more than 500 years ago…

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