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Artículos sobre Political campaigning

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 59 artículos

Donald Trump’s campaign has been built upon controversial statements that have kept his name in the news. Reuters/Mike Segar

Why has Trump succeeded where others would have failed?

The narrative Donald Trump has played during the campaign is that the elites who have abandoned him or disagree with him are all part of the establishment he seeks to destroy.
Donald Trump has enacted the paranoid style, giving its ideas a platform and legitimacy, in his presidential campaign. Reuters/Carlo Allegri

Paranoid politics: how does Donald Trump get away with it?

How does Donald Trump get away with the type of campaign he’s running? Why, if he’s a narcissistic demagogue, has he found an audience who respond to his politics?
Malcolm Turnbull emerges from the long campaign in a weakened position, having squandered the benefits of incumbency. AAP/Paul Miller

Time to learn the many lessons from a long campaign

There have been three clear lessons from this long election campaign: the vote is fragmenting, the media is fragmenting, and long election campaigns are not a good idea.
Will campaigns’ data use help determine the election? Pie chart via

2016: the proving ground for political data

The contrast between Trump’s no-data approach and Clinton’s analytics-heavy campaign offers an opportunity to evaluate the role, and usefulness, of data in political campaigns.
Both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten are complex, enigmatic figures. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Malcolm or Bill: who would you invite to your barbecue?

A party can have the most brilliantly informed and farsighted policies. But if the protagonists cannot communicate these effectively to the electorate, they will be overlooked.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s London to Aldermaston march, 1958: an early example of mass political mobilisation to achieve a specific goal. CND

Not so grassroots: how the snowflake model is transforming political campaigns

Political campaigns today are presented as products of bottom-up participation, not top-down direction. But even if a campaign appears grassroots-driven, it’s likely to be run from the centre.

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