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Artículos sobre Programming

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 27 artículos

Letting AI do the dirty work of programming frees students to work on problem-solving. Issarawat Tattong/Moment via Getty Images

AI helps students skip right to the good stuff in this intro programming course

Learning to program requires mastering the nitty-gritty of code syntax. Generative AI turns out to be good at that. Adding AI to intro programming courses frees students to focus on problem-solving.
Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, was more than just another mathematician. Watercolor portrait of Ada King, Countess of Lovelace by Alfred Edward Chalon via Wikimedia

Ada Lovelace’s skills with language, music and needlepoint contributed to her pioneering work in computing

Lovelace was a prodigious math talent who learned from the giants of her time, but her linguistic and creative abilities were also important in her invention of computer programming.
Coding can enhance children’s creativity and their understanding of mathematics. wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Why all children must learn code

Coding is beneficial to children, irrespective of their career path later on in life.
Putting privacy right in the code. Keyhole image via

Building privacy right into software code

Most of today’s computer languages make it hard for programmers to protect users’ privacy and security. The fix is to take those tasks out of human hands entirely.
Coding: it’s just another language to learn at school. Flickrabg_colegio

Want your kids to learn another language? Teach them code

Computer coding should be thought of as teaching children another language. If they get the basics right at an early age, who knows where their new-found language skills can take them.

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