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Artículos sobre Tree planting

Mostrando 41 - 47 de 47 artículos

A shade tree makes a big difference to the comfort of this couple. Nancie Lee/Shutterstock

How do we save ageing Australians from the heat? Greening our cities is a good start

Two trends in Australia, an ageing population and warming climate, are increasing the threat that heatwaves pose to our health. Increasing vegetation cover is one way every city can reduce the risk.
As part of its commitment under the Paris Agreement, New Zealand’s government has committed to planting one billion trees within a decade. from

Coldplay conundrum: how to reduce the risk of failure for environmental projects

Planting more native forests could help mitigate the causes of climate change, but unless funding is closely tied to successful outcomes, such projects face the risk of failure.
The shimmer of a heat mirage shows how a hard road surface increases urban temperatures by radiating heat into the air. Wikimedia Commons/Brocken Inaglory

If planners understand it’s cool to green cities, what’s stopping them?

It seems like a ‘no brainer’ to use urban greening to help cities adapt to increasing heat, but the uptake of green infrastructure, such as trees and vegetated roofs, surfaces and walls, is slow. Why?
Land clearing rates in Queensland tripled since 2010. Martin Taylor

Queensland land clearing is undermining Australia’s environmental progress

Land clearing in Queensland has tripled in the past five years.

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