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Artículos sobre Trump administration

Mostrando 501 - 520 de 794 artículos

People carry posters during this Feb. 2017 rally against President Donald Trump’s executive order banning travel from seven Muslim-majority nations, in New York’s Times Square. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki, File)

Religious discrimination is a reason to fight Trump’s travel ban

In the shadow of Trump-era cross-border discrimination, an early-stage scholar reflects on the meaning of religious diversity and his act of resistance by boycotting conference travel to the U.S.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray, center, plans to step down at the end of the month. AP Photo/Steve Helber

Why we need to save the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The decision by the bureau’s founding director to step down this month offers Republicans and the Trump administration a chance to finally gut the bureau they’ve long despised.
Solar home designed by University of Maryland students for the Department of Energy’s 2017 Solar Decathlon. DOE Solar Decathlon

Subsidizing coal and nuclear power could drive customers off the grid

Energy Secretary Rick Perry says the US needs to subsidize nuclear and coal power plants to keep the grid stable. But this policy would raise energy costs and could drive consumers off-grid instead.
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announces the launch of Oculus Go virtual reality headset in October. (Handout)

Oculus and our troubles with (virtual) reality

Will the arrival and popularity of Oculus Go and other VR systems make us think differently about alternative realities and so-called alternative facts?
Flooding in Port Arthur, Texas during Hurricane Harvey, Aug. 31, 2017. According to the Climate Science Special Report released on Nov. 2, heavy precipitation events are becoming more frequent and intense in most regions of the world. SC National Guard

The climate science report Trump hoped to ignore will resonate outside of Washington, DC

On Nov. 2 the White House posted a detailed climate science report without comment. The Trump administration is unlikely to heed it, but it could boost state, local and private sector action.
A statue of Pericles outside Athens City Hall. Like Trump, Pericles used war to deflect from bad news. (Shutterstock)

‘DO SOMETHING!’ Trump, Pericles and the art of deflection

Does ancient Greek war hawk Pericles provide clues to a besieged Donald Trump’s next move? War has always been a helpful distraction for cornered world leaders.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg initially dismissed as “crazy” the warnings that Russia had been using Facebook to spread propaganda in the 2016 U.S. election. He has since apologized and introduced plans and tools aimed at fighting false information on the platform. In this file photo, he delivers the commencement address at Harvard University in May. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Regulate social media platforms before it’s too late

In a fight for the global flow of information, social media firms must be regulated. Their billions of dollars in revenue put their financial interests in conflict with truth and democracy.
Refugee women from Darfur, Sudan return to their camp in eastern Chad with wood for their households in 2011. European Commission DG ECHO

Improving women’s lives through energy: What Rick Perry got right and wrong

With better access to energy, women in developing nations could spend more time working or in school. But Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s claim that fossil fuels improve women’s lives misses the mark.
U.S. President Donald Trump raises his glass in a toast at the start of a dinner in Seoul, South Korea. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Democracy on life support: Donald Trump’s first anniversary

U.S. President Donald Trump’s “scourge of oppressive stupidity” has been in the Oval Office for a year. His assault on higher education is among Trump’s more disturbing penchants.
Germany has introduced new legislation to try to stop the rise of online hate speech. It’s a phenomenon that’s happening in Canada too and many analysts point to the impact of Donald Trump’s politics. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The Trump effect in Canada: A 600 per cent increase in online hate speech

There has been a 600 per cent increase in online hate speech since Nov. 2015. The solution to stop the tide lies in both anti-hate laws and self-awareness education for audiences.
Why so grim? Oh, tax cuts. AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Why tax cuts make us less happy

The Republican tax plan would ultimately make the current system less progressive while reducing the overall burden, two things research shows make countries less happy.

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