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Artículos sobre Urban design

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 193 artículos

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Denser housing can be greener too – here’s how NZ can build better for biodiversity

The majority of 25 surveyed developments around New Zealand lacked healthy, ecologically meaningful vegetation. Applying biodiversity targets for medium-density housing could turn this around.
The typical car is parked 95% of the time. Nastco/iStock via Getty Images

City planners are questioning the point of parking garages

As many cities grapple with the housing crisis, some places are rewriting regulations and finding creative ways to repurpose these hulking masses of concrete that suck up valuable real estate.
Riverbanks are reinforced to reduce flood risks, but these techniques reduce biodiversity and limit public accessibility. (Shutterstock)

We must rethink the way we build along the St. Lawrence River

The sustainable and inclusive development of the St. Lawrence River is essential. A prolonged laissez-faire attitude will have harmful consequences on people and the environment.

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