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Articles sur Fans

Affichage de 21 à 39 de 39 articles

Abba had previously been voted the band the British public would most like to see reunited. Alamy

Abba: who actually likes them?

Abba’s most devoted fans have helped them remain in the public consciousness. Sometimes, under difficult circumstances.
Open windows and doors to boost air flow and help remove airborne particles. Daniela Torres/EyeEm via Getty Images

Keeping indoor air clean can reduce the chance of spreading coronavirus

Being indoors with other people is a recipe for spreading the coronavirus. But removing airborne particles through proper ventilation and air filtration can reduce some of that risk.
Don’t forget fans. Here, Phuong Nguyen (left) as Captain America with Derrick Petry as Deadpool, at Comic-Con International in July 2018, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

Comic-Con@Home: Virtual comics event declared a failure by industry critics, but fans loved it

Some comic fans have found a bright spot in virtual conventions in an otherwise bleak pandemic year. The sense of community matters more than a simplistic analysis about metrics or interactivity.
Fans are protesting after Monsta X boy-band member Wonho, second from the left, was outsted. (Shutterstock)

K-pop fans protest against treatment of Monsta X lead singer

Monsta X fans have been derided as boy-band dupes, but their protests against the treatment of superstar Wonho shows them rejecting the capitalist system that’s quick to cut people loose.
Reaction videos are just one of many ways that Game of Thrones fans have explored their love for the show online. Leon Andrew Razon/Screenshot from Youtube

After 8 years of memes, videos and role playing, what now for Game of Thrones’ multimedia fans?

Fan culture is thriving in Westeros. Although HBO’s Game of Thrones has ended, fans will ensure that the show lives on (and changes) across multimedia platforms, long into the future.
Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry flexes during a preseason game against the Los Angeles Lakers. USA Today Sports/Reuters

Why sports fans need villains

Many decry ‘superteams’ like the NBA’s Golden State Warriors as bad for the sport. But psychology research shows that they also make us more likely to watch – and bask in the joy of seeing them fail.
The FFA should pay more attention to recent history, rather than reacting to external forces with dubious intentions. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

The ‘new football’ should stop engaging in ‘old soccer’ debates

No-one seriously believes that football – followed by so many, and accepted as legitimate by most of the community – could be killed off in Australia by a handful of media mouthpieces.
Some fans take their sport very seriously such as this Hawthorn supporter during the 2013 AFL Grand Final. But what if you don’t have a team in the finals? AAP Image/David Crosling

Loyalty in sport: who to support if your team is not in the weekend’s footy finals

Which team you support in sport can depend on many things. But who should you barrack for in this packed weekend of sport if none of your favoured teams are in any of the games?

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