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Sibling competition may have played a bigger role in human evolution than you thought. Flickr/Dmitry Boyarin

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Competition

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Competition The Conversation, CC BY62,4 Mo (download)
Our November episode of Trust Me I'm An Expert is all about competition, including the often fierce rivalry between siblings.
Our first episode of Trust Me, I’m An Expert tackles the debate unfolding as Australia contemplates changing the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couple to marry. Axel Heimken/dpa

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: a lawyer, a biblical scholar and a fact-checker walk into the same-sex marriage debate…

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Episode 1 The Conversation, CC BY-ND81,9 Mo (download)
In this episode of Trust Me I'm An Expert, we're wading into the same-sex marriage debate with experts on the Bible and the law, and fact-checking claims that kids do best with a mother and a father.
On this podcast, academic experts separate the signal from the noise, the data from the anecdotes, explain the science, look at the peer-reviewed evidence and ignore the media hype. The Conversation

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: a new podcast from The Conversation

Everything from the curious to the serious The Conversation, CC BY-ND4,16 Mo (download)
A new monthly podcast from The Conversation, where we bring you the most fascinating, surprising stories from the academic world.
Land rezoning, sales, and planning approvals are just a few of the ways ‘grey gifts’ can decide who benefits from government decisions. Dean Lewins/AAP

Speaking with: Cameron Murray on grey corruption and the ‘Game of Mates’

William Isdale speaks with The University of Queensland's Cameron Murray about the nature of 'grey gifts', soft corruption, and who stands to win (and lose) when these deals are made.
Antibiotics Staphylex, used to treat the infection Golden Staph. TONY PHILLIPS/ AAP

Speaking with: Dr Mark Blaskovich on antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the threat of superbugs

Speaking with: Dr Mark Blaskovich on antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the threat of superbugs The Conversation, CC BY-ND45,2 Mo (download)
William Isdale speaks with Mark Blaskovich about his research into antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the threat these superbugs pose to communities.
Imagine a world where artificial intelligence is in control and humans are brink of extinction. What went wrong? What could we have done? Shutterstock

No problem too big #1: Artificial intelligence and killer robots

No problem too big #1: Artificial intelligence and killer robots The Conversation, CC BY-SA62 Mo (download)
In this special Speaking With podcast episode, a panel of artists and researchers speculates on the end of the world due to artificial intelligence and killer robots, as though it has already happened.

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