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Artikel-artikel mengenai Autism spectrum disorder

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Epigenetic molecules play a different melody on different people’s genomes, and this might be contributing to some developing autism. Jesse Kruger/Flickr

Music of the genome hits a discord with autism

The epigenetic ‘musicians’ that play our genomes in different ways might help us understand the causes of autism.
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder need targeted support and funding to suit their individual needs and interests. from

Students with autism need targeted attention – not a cage

A review has been announced into school policies in Canberra after it was reported that a school was restraining a child with Autism in a cage-like structure.
Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock in the Star Trek series, died on Feb. 27 Nimoy star image via

Temple Grandin: The effect Mr. Spock had on me

Temple Grandin is perhaps the world’s foremost advocate on autism. But before she became famous, she was an awkward young girl who found solace in Mr. Spock’s logical world view in TV’s Star Trek.
Supporting parents to interact more responsively seems to benefit children with autism, just as supporting parents can help children with other conditions. The Q Speaks/Flickr

Parents don’t cause autism, but they can make a difference

Since the condition was first recognised in the 1940s, parents have been and felt blamed for their children’s autism. Today, most people no longer believe this, but a lingering doubt continues to niggle…
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation can help alleviate symptoms of autism, such as anxiety. AGUILA_JONATHAN/Flickr

Here’s a brainwave – magnetic pulses could treat autism

Around 1 in 68 children has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to the US Centres for Disease Control – an extraordinarily high number. Although the prevalence rise is probably due mainly to changes…
I didn’t get the joke. Young child via Cheryl Casey/Shutterstock

Why children with autism often fall victim to bullies

Bullying can affect anyone at any time, but young people with autism are especially vulnerable. The results can be devastating. Not being able to keep up with the teasing banter that often takes place…
High School can be a very difficult time for students with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders, but there are ways to make it easier. Shutterstock

Autism at school: how teachers can help

High school can be difficult for youths with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders, who often have IQs superior to the general population, but can struggle with communication, social skills, and regulating…
There are seven simple questions parents can ask to manage autism at school. Shutterstock

Autism at school: seven questions for parents

Many children with autism find aspects of everyday life difficult, and school is no exception. School is a complex environment at the best of times, but even more so if you struggle with social situations…
Mothers with genetic mutations not harmful to females may be passing them onto their sons. Vincent van der Pas/Flickr (resized)

Mothers’ genes may be why autism is more common in boys

Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, because girls need more extreme genetic mutations to develop them, according to a study published in the American…
Healthy gut bacteria has been shown to improve autism spectrum disorders in mice. EMSL/ Flickr

Link between gut and brain suggests therapies for autism

Probiotics can alleviate the symptoms of autism-like disorders in mice, according to a US study published today in the journal Cell. The findings have the potential to guide the search for autism spectrum…

Pollution and genes increase autism risk

Air pollutants may increase the risk of autism in people who have a genetic disposition to the condition. US researchers…

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