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Artikel-artikel mengenai Autoimmune diseases

Menampilkan 61 - 73 dari 73 artikel

Indigenous Australians are one of the minority groups with high rates of lupus. Len Matthews

Addressing lupus in Indigenous Australian communities

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory systemic autoimmune disorder. It affects various tissues of the body, particularly the heart, joints, lungs, skin and kidneys. An autoimmune illness is one in which body’s…

Gene critical to immune system

Researchers have found that a specific gene is responsible for the function of the immune system, and may be blocked or amplified…

New clues to auto-immune arthritis

New information about a form of auto-immune arthritis which can damage the spine has been found by researchers from the University…
Previously, scientists could see T-cells, the “front line troops” in the immune system, but could not see how they worked. Flickr

Super microscope shines light on the immune system’s front-line defenders

For the first time, scientists have seen how the “front line troops” in the human body’s immune system work, debunking previous thinking on the topic and opening up new possibilities for treatment of auto-immune…
Could cleanliness be causing the rise of auto-immune diseases and allergies? Arlington County/flickr

How clean is too clean? Trust your gut instincts

Could our obsession with cleanliness in our homes be working against us? Advertisers fetishise germ-free kitchens and bathrooms where the threat of “harmful bacteria” is always lurking but can be eradicated…

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