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Artikel-artikel mengenai Autonomous vehicles

Menampilkan 121 - 140 dari 161 artikel

When cars talk to each other, and their surroundings. Connected cars graphic via

Saving lives by letting cars talk to each other

There is a way to improve safety across a rapidly evolving range of advanced mobility technologies and vehicles. The answer is connectivity.
Road user pricing would encourage people to take non-essential trips at a different time, or not at all.

Road user charging belongs on the political agenda as the best answer for congestion management

Charging people to drive has been the dream of policy wonks – serving politicians tend to see it as political poison. So when federal minister Paul Fletcher raises it, that’s a step forward.
Taking the drive out of the car will change the transportation industry. Shutterstock/Rob d

The winners and losers in the race for driverless cars

It’s a race that’s pitting the motor industry against tech giants and even the ridesharing company Uber. But what will be the impact when driverless cars take to the roads?
A self-driving bus completes a demonstration drive in Tokyo in July. Toru Hanai/Reuters

Smart cities: does this mean more transport disruptions?

New technologies do not exist in a vacuum. To succeed, new transport technology needs to match the ways we want to move around cities and be accommodated by laws and regulations.
As problems occur, rapid design adjustment will advance autonomous cars’ abilities. Image of car with sensors via

After fatality, autonomous car development may speed up

Sometimes a user’s death causes technology development to slow down – but other times, progress speeds up to address the newly uncovered problems.
Humans are still better than machines at driving in extreme weather conditions, for now. Flickr/Terence Lim

Driverless cars need to hit the road come rain, wind or shine

Driverless cars are the technology of the future, but unless they learn how to drive in rain and snow, they will be a technology that lets us down when we need it the most.
Crewed submarines like the HMAS Rankin might become a thing of the past. United States Navy, Photographer's Mate 1st Class David A. Levy

Could robot submarines replace the ageing Collins class?

Autonomous submarines might do for naval warfare what drones are doing for air warfare. So should Australia consider autonomous subs as a replacement for the Collins class?
What are you thinking? Robots and humans working together need to understand – and even trust – each other. NASA Johnson/flickr

Can I trust my robot? And should my robot trust me?

People and machines need to be able to interact and communicate effectively. Right now we – and they – can’t. But without that, we risk missing the potential benefits of collaboration.

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