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Artikel-artikel mengenai Autonomous vehicles

Menampilkan 141 - 160 dari 161 artikel

The first driverless car tests are set to commence in South Australia this year. Volvo

Where we are on the road to driverless cars

Trials of autonomous vehicles are set to kick off in Australia this year. So how far down the road to driverless cars are we today?
Don’t do away with that human driver at the wheel. LoKan Sardari

Self-driving cars will need people, too

Experts in the field of human factors – how people interact with machines – warn that “self-driving” cars need to be more of a cooperative effort between human driver and tech than the hype would suggest.
We’ve all met the angry driver – but how should a driver-less car react to such behaviour? shalunts

What happens when a self-driving car meets a road rage driver?

Driverless cars could soon be cruising Australian roads if South Australia gives the go-ahead to reforms to its road legislation. The technology promises to increase safety on our roads, but what happens…
Nose-to-tail driving would be the norm if computers drove the cars. Danny Lawson/PA

Self-driving cars could be the answer to congested roads

If cars with drivers still suffer under gridlock conditions on roads, how will driverless cars fare any better? With greater computerisation and network awareness, driverless cars may be the answer to…
With the progressive delegation of human decisions to machines we need to consider the impact on human autonomy. phloxii/shutterstock

Data mining the new black box of self-driving cars

Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, are likely to be seen more widely on roads in 2015. Already, legislation authorising the use of autonomous vehicles has been introduced in the US states of Nevada…
One of the self-drive cars already being used by Google in Nevada, in the US. EPA/Google

Self-driving cars need ‘adjustable ethics’ set by owners

One of the issues of self-driving vehicles is legal liability for death or injury in the event of an accident. If the car maker programs the car so the driver has no choice, is it likely the company could…
Prime Minister Tony Abbot in the pilot seat of an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. AAP/Alan Porritt

Take out the pilot from Australia’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Prime Minister Tony Abbott sat in the pilot seat of a F-35 Joint Strike Fighter at the time he announced his government will buy an additional 58 planes at a cost of at least A$12.4 billion. But imagine…
Your robot’s decisions will be less of a shock if you plan ahead. x-ray delta one

If you want to trust a robot, look at how it makes decisions

Robots, and autonomous systems in general, can cause anxiety and uncertainty, particularly as their use in everyday tasks becomes a more immediate possibility. In order to lessen at least some of that…
Science fiction to non-fiction: the next generation of robots promises to be ultra intelligent. andreybl

Self-driving cars and autonomous robots: where to now?

There isn’t a radio-control handset in sight as a nimble robot briskly weaves itself in and out of the confined tunnels of an underground mine. Powered by ultra-intelligent sensors, the robot intuitively…

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