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Artikel-artikel mengenai Axa Research Fund (English)

Menampilkan 1 - 20 dari 105 artikel

Analysis of participants’ photos demonstrated hybrid cooking practices, with a combination of ingredients and cooking methods and/or techniques.

Why traditional cooking isn’t always healthier: the case of Ghanaians in Manchester and in Accra

To better understand Ghanaian women in Manchester, England, we asked them to tell the “stories” of their everyday cooking through photographs.
According to recent by the University of Birmingham, 37% of analytical practitioners have been diagnosed with severe depression, while approximately 55% of them suffer from moderate depression. University of Birmingham/Author

Mental health: research reveals harrowing impact of traumatic material on crime investigators

The mental health of front-line officers has drawn considerable attention, yet research shows that justice professionals working with traumatic material can also suffer psychological distress.
Cashless payments have advantages, but only to those who have the means to make them. Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

The problem with cashless payments

The slow disappearance of cash has advantages, but it can also exclude the most vulnerable from socio-economic activity. It’s also a privatisation that deteriorates the symbolic dimensions of money.
Regulations in the US and EU are intended to ensure that cosmetics and other personal-care products are safe, but the two continents approach the issue in different ways. Marco Verch/Flickr

Just how safe are cosmetics on the European market?

From miscarriages to cancer, poor regulation of cosmetics in the US have taken a devastating toll on consumers’ lives. Are European consumers any safer?
Indonesian fire fighters extinguish a fire in a land next to residence in Pekanbaru, Riau province on September 13, 2019. The blazes spread smog across Southeast Asia and adding to concerns about the impact on global warming. Adek Berry/AFP

New research reveals that wildfires can influence El Niño

Wildfires are intensifying, yet they’re one of the most poorly understood phenomena on Earth. New research shows that they can disturb both regional and global climate.
In 2020, desert locus plague of biblical proportions darkened skies over the Horn of Africa. In part it was caused by high rainfall and flooding in areas usually spared by the insect. AFP

How trade regulations may be opening up a new era of sustainable growth in the Global South

Trade regulation by rich countries against pests and disease is gradually making its way into the less developed nations. On top of safer foods, new research shows this could also bring sustainable growth.

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