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Artikel-artikel mengenai Axa Research Fund (English)

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 105 artikel

Soldiers stand guard near coffins containing the bodies of victims of an explosion that took place inside a catholic cathedral, in southern island of Mindanao on January 28, 2019. NICKEE BUTLANGAN / AFP

Why is peace failing in the Philippines?

After a civil conflict, within five years the majority of modern peace agreements fail. What is causing these negotiated settlements to fall apart?
Shrimp cocktail: Tasty to some, potentially deadly for others. Legoktm/Wikimedia

Shellfish allergies: can they be treated?

Alongside with milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soybeans and fish, shellfish are one of the eight allergens that account for 90% of food-related allergic reactions. What if a vaccine could exist?
Many cities have plans in place to adapt to or mitigate the effects of climate change. But are they credible? An ongoing study looks into the question. David Blackwell/Flickr

Are our cities effectively planning for climate change?

In the fight against climate change, cities are now seen as having a major role to play. An ongoing study examines the effectiveness of the adaptation and mitigation plans of 126 coastal cities.
A gilets jaunes “yellow vest” protester on the Champs Elysees avenue in Paris takes a photograph using his mobile phone (December 8, 2018). Zakaria Abdelkafi/AFP

Debate: The ‘gilets jaunes’ movement is not a Facebook revolution

There’s an orderly fashion to so-called disruptive “manifestations”, as they’re called in French. But the “gilets jaunes” didn’t follow the rules. So who exactly broke the rules?
The Giant Sea Bass at the California Academy of Sciences. Fishes'sense of smell is highly affected by high level of carbon dioxide in the ocean. Togabi/Wikimedia

Ocean fish are under threat if we don’t curb carbon dioxide emissions

Increase of carbon dioxide in the ocean affects the way fish detect predators, mates or food and could threaten not only individual fish but entire populations.
Bejing. Bird flu is transmitted in various ways and the process needs to be studied in depth. Sojourner in a Strange Land/Flicker

Bird flu: are viruses still in the air?

A scientific question fascinates experts : under which conditions can bird flu virus be transmitted to humans by aerial particles, and what will be the consequences for those who aren’t immune?
Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush’s former secretary of defense during the war in Iraq. DR

‘The geopolitics of risk’: the new age of uncertainty

The question is no longer how to repel all threats. Instead, it’s how can we organise ourselves as a society to remain ourselves in the face of these multiple threats.
Personal data… isn’t so private after all.

I am not the sum of my personal data

Paradoxically, it is only when I disappear into the digital crowd that my personal data becomes interesting for digital merchants.
Porte de la Chapelle, Paris (July 2017). AFP

The difficult subject of refugee economies

Is the impact of refugees in the host country’s economy positive or negative? The real question is really quite different: can the economy really do without refugees?
A protest in Toulouse in January 2016 against the state of emergency in France. Gyrostat/Wikimedia

The fight against terrorism: the rule of uncertainty?

Weakening the institutional as well as the symbolic functioning of the rule of law has the consequence of introducing new “risks”, and thus creating more insecurity.
Section of a tumor observed with an optical microscope. The two white forms with brown borders are blood vessels. Inside, gold nanoparticles accumulate against their walls. Mariana Varna-Pannerec (ESPCI)

Destroying tumors with gold nanoparticles

Gold can be used to make jewelry, but also to fight cancer. Several clinical trials are currently underway in the United States where patients are being treated with gold nanoparticles.
A man browsing the shoe department in a shopping centre. Can he really afford new shoes, and does he really need them? Alex Buirds/Wikimedia

Why we perceive ourselves as richer than we think we are

Under some circumstances, people may feel wealthier than they actually are and this makes them psychologically more prone to increase their spending, as well as their borrowing.

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