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Artikel-artikel mengenai Axa Research Fund (English)

Menampilkan 21 - 40 dari 105 artikel

Punit Paranjpe/AFP

The multiple faces of inequality in India

Preliminary research finds that India’s high growth rate has failed to trickle down to society’s marginalised communities, with caste, gender and background still dictating life chances.
Far-right candidates Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen have both benefited from substantial support by media groups sympathetic to their ideas. Thomas Coex/AFP

Behind French election tweets, the far right is hidden in plain sight

While many progressive movements have organised online, conservatives dominate because of better organisation, capital, and social inequality. France’s presidential elections are a case in point.
Modern computing allows to spot isolated trees and shrubs in semi-arid areas, facilitating research on the evolution of vegetation cover. Martin Brandt

How we mapped billions of trees in West Africa using satellites, supercomputers and AI

Advanced techniques allowed our research team to build an open database of billions of individual trees and challenge some common perceptions about vegetation in arid and semi-arid zones.
Dust affect infrastructures but also human health. Here in Dakar, Senegal, on February 17, 2021, at the beginning of the Harmattan season. John Wessels/AFP

How can we mitigate the impacts of dust storms?

Dust storms are not unusual, but intense ones have a wide range negative impacts upon multiple socioeconomic sectors. How do we address them?
In the current crisis, the choice of the decision-maker is made particularly difficult by the lack of concordant scientific elements. Loic Venance/AFP

Closing schools: how to make a rational decision?

According to a study conducted in collaboration with the Nobel laureate in economics, Lars Peter Hansen, decision theory is an effective tool for finding the best trade-offs.
Col de Port, in the French Pyrenees. Author provided

Mountains, a fragile source of life

We think of mountains as remote and little affected by human activity. Unfortunately, the negative impacts of what we do has important implications for nature, wildlife and human society.
Transmission electron micrograph of particles of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

An exclusive (and imaginary) interview with the coronavirus

The SARS-CoV-2 virus at the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic is one ten-thousandth of a millimeter in diameter. How can such a microscopic organism have such an immense impact on global health?

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