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Artikel-artikel mengenai Biotechnology

Menampilkan 81 - 88 dari 88 artikel

Synthetic biology may help us create artificial life, but how should we patent it? Wellcome Images

Inventing life: patent law and synthetic biology

With promises of improved medical treatments, greener energy and even artificial life, the field of synthetic biology has captured the public imagination and attracted significant government and commercial…
Global justice and human rights are remarkably absent in discussions of bioethics. Julien Harneis

Whose profit? Why bioethics needs a global perspective

Innovations deriving from genetics research, stem cell research, nanoscience and neuroscience will soon revolutionise medicine. With the potential for biotechnologies to alter natural processes and redefine…
The new ‘epidermal’ electronic systems conform to the surface of the skin and may provide a range of healthcare and non-healthcare related functions. John A. Rogers

Game-changing’ printed tattoos may replace hefty medical monitors

Scientists have invented new stick-on ‘tattoos’ that track human heart, brain wave and muscle activity and could one day replace cumbersome medical monitors. Known as an epidermal electronic system (EES…
The epidermal electronic system can measure your vital signs in a completely unobtrusive way. John A. Rogers

Tattoo you: the stick-on medical revolution

When you think of tattoos you probably imagine bikies, celebrity tats or that Japanese flourish on your left foot that means “Honour” (or so you think). You probably don’t picture medical revolution…
Banning patents on biological agents could see capital for innovative medicines dry up.

Patent amendment bill could kill access to new medicines

Read the argument for the proposed legislation No one can deny that improved medical treatments and equity of access to them are essential to improving our community’s quality of life. Unfortunately, the…
The Bill seeks to close the loophole opened by the US Patent Office 30 years ago. AAP

Who owns the rights to the human body? It’s patently obvious

Read the argument against the proposed legislation Patents are only to be for granted inventions - that’s the intent of the Patents Act 1990, it has been the law for nearly 400 years, and it’s also what…

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