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Artikel-artikel mengenai Canada

Menampilkan 541 - 549 dari 549 artikel

Grangemouth refinery: keeping the home fire burning. Andrew MillJigan/PA

After Quebec, what’s the future for Keystone XL?

The runaway train of 73 oil tankers that derailed and exploded in the small town of Lac-Megantic in Quebec, Canada last week left 15 dead, around 50 missing, and shows how dangerous transporting oil can…
The lights are on and no one gut hurt. Roozbeh Rokni

Rain check: how Toronto escaped flooding disaster

For almost sixty years Hurricane Hazel has stood as the most extreme storm on recorded in City of Toronto but this week, on July 8th, a new record was set. A series of storms hit the city late in the afternoon…
Welcome to London. Now would you mind fixing the economy? Alastair Grant/PA Wire

Here’s Carney: what to expect of Canada’s superstar banker

Like many Canadians to achieve high office in his country over the past half-century, Mark Carney came from an ordinary, middle-class background. And like his two immediate predecessors as governor of…
Cardinal George Pell says he will support the Royal Commission into child abuse - but how will we know whether it has been effective or not? Paul Miller / AAP

A Royal Commission into child abuse – how do we measure its effectiveness or ‘success’?

Since Monday’s announcement of the creation of a Royal Commission into institutional child abuse there has been some discussion about what this might achieve. In short how will a Royal Commission be different…
“Rogue geo-engineering” is an overstatement for what happened off British Columbia. Kirsty Pang

Mixing iron into the north Pacific stirs geo-engineering controversy

A British Columbian fishing community has drawn almost universal condemnation after dumping 100 tonnes of iron rich dust into the ocean to stimulate a plankton bloom, in an effort to restore salmon numbers…

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