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Artikel-artikel mengenai Cats

Menampilkan 81 - 100 dari 203 artikel

Rotiv Artic/Unsplash

Cats carry diseases that can be deadly to humans, and it’s costing Australia $6 billion every year

When cats were introduced to Australia, they brought several diseases with them. These diseases are taking a big toll on human health and the economy — but there are things we can do.

‘Compassionate conservation’: just because we love invasive animals, doesn’t mean we should protect them

Compassionate conservationists believe no animal should be killed in the name of conservation. This idea is a death knell for Australia’s native species.
Feline under the weather? Viacheslav Rubel/Shutterstock

How we found coronavirus in a cat

Yes, your cat can get coronavirus, but here’s why you don’t need to worry too much.
Are cats really to blame for the worldwide loss of biodiversity? Dzurag/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Don’t blame cats for destroying wildlife – shaky logic is leading to moral panic

Framing cats as responsible for declines in biodiversity is based on faulty scientific logic and fails to account for the real culprit – human activity.
A brush-tailed rabbit-rat, one of the small mammals disappearing in northern Australia. Cara Penton

The mystery of the Top End’s vanishing wildlife, and the unexpected culprits

Small mammals in northern Australia have been rapidly vanishing for the last 30 years, and scientists weren’t sure why. Now, a major new study found feral livestock are largely to blame.
Anton Darius/Unsplash

One cat, one year, 110 native animals: lock up your pet, it’s a killing machine

Roaming pet cats kill 390 million animals per year in Australia. Most of the animals are native to Australia.

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