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Artikel-artikel mengenai Citizenship

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A university class included a game that simulated aspects of the experience people like these would-be immigrants can expect in the U.S. AP Photo/Elliot Spagat

Learn to trust immigrants by role-playing in their shoes

Simulating some experiences of immigrant life can help nonimmigrants learn to understand, and even trust, people from other countries more.
Some people are U.S. citizens at birth, like this baby born in California. Joseph Sohm/

Who is born a US citizen?

If upheld, a federal court ruling would solidify birthright citizenship as the law of the land, and overturn more than a century of federal refusal to grant American Samoans citizenship status.
Protests have engulfed Assam since the National Register of Citizens was published in August 2019. They have intensified since the Citizenship Amendment Act was passed by the parliament. Central security forces, pictured here, have been sent in to repress the spontaneous protests by different citizens groups. (Arunabh Saikia)

New laws weaponize citizenship in India

India has been working to expel or repress Muslim minorities. Nearly two million residents of India’s eastern state of Assam are at risk of losing citizenship.
Activists and local volunteers meet and console Assamese villagers who might have lost their Indian citizenship. Anuradha Sen Mookerjee

In India’s Assam, a solidarity network has emerged to help those at risk of becoming stateless

As new citizenship law will further discriminate against people on religious basis in India’s north-eastern Assam, local activists are uniting across the region to help distressed residents.
A narrow river divides Myanmar from Bangladesh, where nearly 1 million now live as refugees. AP Photo/Bernat Armangue

Myanmar charged with genocide of Rohingya Muslims: 5 essential reads

Dozens of Muslim-majority countries are asking the UN’s International Criminal Court to investigate and prosecute a 2017 massacre in Myanmar that killed an estimated 10,000 Rohingya Muslims.
All voting-age Indians may soon be asked to submit government-issued ID to prove citizenship. That may be a challenge for women, religious minorities and members of oppressed castes. AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh

India’s plan to identify ‘illegal immigrants’ could get some Muslims declared ‘foreign’

Many women, Muslims and members of oppressed castes in India lack government-issued ID. Yet these documents may soon be required to prove their citizenship.
Nimai Hajong and his wife, August 2018. Hajong was born in Bangladesh and moved to India when he was an infant. The 58-year-old, now considered a “foreigner” in his own state, poses with paperwork supporting his right to citizenship. A. Shamar/AFP

How the National Citizenship Registration in Assam is shaping a new national identity in India

On August 31, the final list of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) for the state of Assam, along the India-Bangladesh border will decide upon the future of millions of people in the state.
Kashmiri Muslims shout slogans during a protest after Eid prayers in Srinagar. AP Photo/ Dar Yasin

What’s behind the protests in Kashmir?

India recently revoked a special provision that ended the autonomy of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Here’s the history of the constitutional provision, Article 370.
The higher the risk, the less likely that young, educated Ghanaians will get involved in corruption. i_am_zews/Shutterstock

How young educated Ghanaians view corruption

Corruption includes both what people do and what they fail to do. The critical issue is a person’s motive.
High Court challenge because Frydenberg has “consistently betrayed” the country on climate change. Lukas Coch/AAP

High Court challenge to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg under section 44

The citizenship provision of the Constitution’s section 44 has raised its head again, with the eligibility of Treasurer Josh Frydenberg being challenged by an elector in his Kooyong seat. Michaal Staindl…

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