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Artikel-artikel mengenai Climate modelling

Menampilkan 1 - 20 dari 72 artikel

In France’s Drôme region, new wind turbines contrast with the aging Tricastin nuclear power plant, build in the early 1980s. Jeanne Menjoulet/Wikimedia

The problems with climate scenarios, and how to fix them

Climate modelling wields huge influence on governments and investors’ decisions. Yet, researchers point out a lack of precision.
Diazotroph (Trichodesmium) bloom in the Coral Sea, captured on 1 September 2019 by the Landsat 8 satellite. The interaction between the physics and biology of the ocean is manifested in these green filaments that snake through the currents. Joshua Stevens/NASA

Climate: modelling micro-algae to better understand the workings of the ocean

The ocean absorbs a quarter of the CO₂ emitted by humans, thanks in particular to phytoplankton, including diazotrophs. Knowing how to model them is crucial to understanding the ocean’s role in climate.

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