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Artikel-artikel mengenai Communication

Menampilkan 221 - 240 dari 254 artikel

The Large Hadron Collider is playing a key role in enabling the collection of big data. Supplied

The big data challenge and how Africa can benefit

Big data is about processing large amounts of data. It is often associated with multiplicities of data. But the ability to generate data outpaces the ability to store it.
Could these gentlemen be early pioneers of textspeak? Council Flat Holm Project/Wikimedia Commons

LOL in the age of the telegraph

Long before ‘sup’ and ‘hwu’ there was ‘Hw r u ts mng?’
Listen up! Your research too could be in the eye of the storm. thomas koch /

Five things I learned when my research went viral

What’s behind a plant scientist’s research getting reported in over 4,000 media outlets? Here’s her post-game analysis.
The English language has a tendency to reinforce patriarchy, but there are ways to stop that. Shutterstock

Gender-neutral communication: how to do it

The English language reinforces patriarchy, but we can use the language to counter it instead.
“Hey, where are u?” “Ummm, right next to you”. TonZ

Watch where you put that emoticon AND KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN

Emoticons, punctuation and creative spelling have been debated, condemned, and regulated since the very beginning of online text-based communication. We’ve all seen “netiquettes” on how not to use ALL…
Is the digital world making communication easier or harder? Envato

Does Skype help or hinder communication?

Speech is the one of the most important forms of communication between humans. The internet has opened doors for us to communicate with people across the globe – but the technology often leads to misunderstanding…
What do you think of when you think about climate change? Wikimedia/NOAA

Four Hiroshima bombs a second: how we imagine climate change

The planet is building up heat at the equivalent of four Hiroshima bombs worth of energy every second. And 90% of that heat is going into the oceans. Right, now I’ve got your attention. It’s widely acknowledged…

Moths’ sex talk

Moths can communicate about sex according to a University of Southern Denmark study. Moths have highly sensitive ears which…
Stay still, I’ve missed a bit. PA/Tim Whitby

Doing Arnie impressions can activate your brain

The voice is an important tool which we use to communicate and express ourselves. But our voices convey so much more than the words we say. Just a few words can reveal clues about someone’s gender, age…

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