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Artikel-artikel mengenai Communication

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When cars talk to each other, and their surroundings. Connected cars graphic via

Saving lives by letting cars talk to each other

There is a way to improve safety across a rapidly evolving range of advanced mobility technologies and vehicles. The answer is connectivity.
External stressors might have more to do with a low-income couple’s success. Michael Newman

Relationship advice from the government doesn’t help low-income couples – here’s what might

Relationship education programs are meant to strengthen low-income couples, with the idea children would benefit. But focusing on communication skills overlooks what really matters to these Americans.
The scene in Nice the morning after the July 14 terror attack – during which an emergency-warning app failed to give timely notice. Michel Abada

When disaster-response apps fail

The solution to emergency communications: redundancy, redundancy, redundancy.
Our relationships, desires, anxieties are reflected in the way we communicate. from

Words stripped of meaning: a guide to linguistic spam

A “passion” was once thought of as a love or desire so irresistible as to take one to the threshold of death. What are we to make, then, of a passion for innovation or management consulting? What’s happening to our words?
Hearing the same questions over and over again can be frustrating, but it’s important you stay calm – they’re not trying to annoy you. from

Answering the same questions over and over: how to talk to people with dementia

If you care for or know someone with dementia, they’ve probably asked you “what are we doing today?” “who are you?” or “when are we going home?”
Intelligent machines are getting better at understanding our conversation. Shutterstock/Gary Blakeley

The future of chatbots is more than just small-talk

Human communication is complex, rich in nuances and frequently includes non-verbal signs. That’s a challenge if you want an intelligent machine to be part of the conversation.
A new development could mean vastly increase data transfer over optical fibre cables. Shutterstock

Twisted light could dramatically boost internet speeds

The design of a new chip to detect the twisted nature of light waves could pave the way for next generation of optical communication technologies.

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