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Artikel-artikel mengenai Education policy

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 252 artikel

Students, parents and teachers participate in a school choice rally in Jackson, Mississippi. Rogelio V. Solis/AP

Charter school cap efforts gain momentum

A number of states are considering laws to put charter school growth on pause, saying they drain resources from public schools. A school finance expert explains the logic behind the efforts.
Some charter school operators make profits by leasing space to themselves at unusually high rates. By Ilya Andriyanov from

Charter schools exploit lucrative loophole that would be easy to close

Charter school operators have been capitalizing on lax laws that let them lease building space to themselves at above-market rates. A simple ban could end the practice, two education scholars argue.
Language tests are an important factor in determining whether international students are admitted to universities. Shutterstock

We all put too much emphasis on test scores

Policy-makers use language test scores to determine who gets into universities or can immigrate. But there are problems with using single test scores to make such important decisions.
Teacher turnover causes significant disruptions to the school year, researchers say. Rob Marmion/

Teacher turnover is a problem – here’s how to fix it

About 16 percent of all teachers change schools or leave teaching. Often, these changes occur in the middle of the school year, which causes significant setbacks in learning, researchers say.
The era of two school systems in Ontario should be riding into the sunset. There are enormous cost savings and community benefits to be had by merging the public and separate school systems. A school bus is seen here in Markham, Ont. (Shutterstock)

It’s time to merge Ontario’s two school systems

The time to consolidate Ontario’s two school systems is long overdue. It’s no longer viable to dismiss the issue on Constitutional grounds. All that’s needed is political will.
Employers’ changing demands for workers with higher education raises legitimate questions about how suitable current higher education is as preparation for employment. Shutterstock

Four ideas for reforming higher education policy-making

Practical ways forward for higher education policy reform include fixing the dysfunctional relationship between higher and vocational education or government-sponsored analysis of the future of work.
Funding dominated the schooling space in 2017, with both sides of politics debating whose funding package benefited which schools the most, and little attention paid to how the money is best spent. Shutterstock

What’s ahead for education policy in 2018

Funding debates dominated most education policy talks in 2017, but discussions look to be extending past the dollar value in 2018 with a number of high profile reports due for release.
Standardised assessments can inform what teachers teach, based on evidence of student learning. Shutterstock

Evidence-based education needs standardised assessment

Standardised tests are a powerful tool for building an evidence base of what works to guide education policy.
Betsy Devos has been busy advancing a conservative education agenda since her confirmation earlier this year. AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Betsy DeVos’ 6-month report card: More undoing than doing

From student loans to Title IX, Betsy DeVos has had a busy six months in office. But despite numerous reversals of Obama-era guidelines, little has come in the way of tangible policy.
British Columbia Premier John Horgan gives a thumbs up after being sworn in earlier this month. Horgan’s coalition government has pledged to make education a priority. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito

B.C. pledges education action – for the good of democracy, Canada should follow suit

The new British Columbia government wants the province to shed its status as a laggard on education funding and poverty reduction. If it succeeds, B.C. will be a safer place to live.

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