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Artikel-artikel mengenai Education policy

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 252 artikel

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and President Donald Trump participate in a round-table discussion during a visit to Saint Andrew Catholic School in Miami. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Trump budget would abandon public education for private choice

The Trump administration’s new education budget cuts money from traditional schools and funnels it toward school choice. Is it a nail in the coffin for public education?
High school and college students protested Trump’s inauguration at Seattle Central College in January. AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

Helping student activists move past ‘us vs. them’

When it comes to politics these days, it feels like everything is ‘my way or the highway.’ What can colleges do to end this moral fundamentalism and get students listening to each other?
Children need to learn how to sound out words they haven’t seen before. from

Why do we need a phonics test for six-year-olds?

Many young children can give the false impression that they are learning to read, when in fact they are mostly guessing words from pictures or context. This test will help to identify these students.
A small percentage of children will need intensive instruction when being taught to read. Flickr/horrigans

How to teach literacy so no child is left behind

We need a clear plan in place to ensure that no child falls through the net. Such a plan needs to be both effective and cost-effective.
Children with at least two years of preschool achieve much higher scores than those who attend no preschool or only one year. from

Two years of preschool have more impact than one, research shows

Two years of high-quality preschool is one of the most effective strategies we have to change the trajectories of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
We are experiencing a proportional decline of men in Australian primary schools. from

We need to rethink recruitment for men in primary schools

We have scholarships specifically targeted at women to redress the gender imbalance in STEM subjects. So why can’t we do the same for men in primary education?
Disadvantaged students are more likely to miss school. Dan Peled/AAP

Suspending welfare payments unlikely to boost school attendance

Any new approach to linking welfare payments to attendance must address the flaws of previous trials. It will require the cooperation of schools and the availability of accurate, real-time data.
Education Minister Simon Birmingham is calling for a new education funding model to replace Gonski. Lukas Coch/AAP

Gonski model was corrupted, but Labor and Coalition are both to blame

Instead of a needs-based model, we ended up with an inconsistent patchwork of approaches across Australian states and territories that protected the vested interests of non-government schools.

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