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Artikel-artikel mengenai Evolutionary biology

Menampilkan 81 - 100 dari 156 artikel

A wax figure of Charles Darwin, whose theories about species have influenced science for centuries. Jose Manuel Ribeiro/Reuters

The long struggle to understand species: from pre-Darwin to the present day

Humans have an innate interest and ability in naming biologically meaningful entities, or species. Taxonomy, then, vies for the title of world’s “oldest profession”.
Understanding what makes a great leader depends upon the measure of success, which in commercial sport is brutally unambiguous. AAP/Julian Smith

What are the attributes needed to be a successful sporting leader?

The goal of identifying leadership attributes that translate into team success remains as elusive in sport as it does in other spheres of human endeavour.
There’s nothing that everyone wants in a partner. But there are characteristics most men or women find attractive. Leo Hidalgo/Flickr

How do we choose a partner?

We know a lot about why people choose different brands of dishwashing detergent. But when it comes to the processes behind choosing a romantic partner, science knows surprisingly little.

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