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Artikel-artikel mengenai Fish oil

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The fatty acid DHA is crucial for fetal brain development in the last trimester of pregnancy. from

You can’t rely on fish oil supplements in pregnancy to make your children smarter

Fish oil capsules are marketed as prenatal supplements to improve brain development in children. But now top quality evidence suggests they won’t make any difference in women eating a balanced diet.
Evidence supports a review of dietary guidelines around the ideal balance of omega 6 to omega 3 dietary fats. Shutterstock/Uber Images

Why Australian dietary recommendations on fat need to change

A prominent new paper reflects growing global sentiment amongst scientists and dieticians to review advice relating to the types of dietary fats we should consume for optimal health.
More palatable in a capsule - but do they do any good? Flickr - Jo Christian Oterhals

Fish oil or snake oil? Most capsules don’t contain what they promise

My mum and dad are troopers. Every morning, in an effort to stave off old age and dry rot, they down a tablespoon of oily, stinky fish oil. This is done without any obvious signs of distress – clearly…
Complementary medicines such as krill oil don’t always have the science to back up their claims. Jo Christian Oterhals/Flickr

Krill oil marketing: a case study of Australia’s broken regulations

Two out of three Australians regularly use complementary medicines, which constitute a A$3.5 billion domestic market. But the industry’s marketing strategies are a source of ongoing controversy and pose…
It’s been suggested that fish oil is the snake oil of our generation. exoimperator/Flickr

Health Check: fish oil, anyone?

An estimated one in four Australians currently take fish oil supplements daily because of its perceived benefits. There are suggestions that fish oil is good for a range of health conditions including…
News of a potential adverse link with prostate cancer comes at a time when the public is heeding the message that the omega-3s derived from marine sources are beneficial. Sam Catch/Flickr

Are fish oil supplements putting you at risk of prostate cancer?

A report published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute late last week shows a potential link between omega-3 fatty acids and the risk of developing prostate cancer. But it may be premature…

Fish oil prevents brain damage in mice

Fish oil injection prevents brain damage after a stroke in mice. After inducing a stroke in new-born mice, researchers injected…

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