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Artikel-artikel mengenai Genetics

Menampilkan 541 - 560 dari 663 artikel

The genome of the frui fly may hold the key to treating chronic pain. Fruit fly image via

Pain genes in mice and flies could help develop drugs for humans

Researchers have mapped the genes that control pain perception in fruit flies, mice, and potentially humans. The map consists of gene pathways that help flies and mice sense pain and set pain thresholds…

Binge drinking might be in your genes

A particular gene is responsible for how likely a person is to binge drink. A variation of the RASGRF-2 gene gives people…
The study confirmed a link between low birth weight and adult height.

How our genes help link birth weight to adult illness

New research shows how genetics, not just environmental factors, play a role linking birth weight to adult health problems like diabetes. It is no secret that underweight babies are more likely to suffer…
The human brain can write plays and build robots, but where did this intelligence come from? ores2k

Human intelligence: why are we the smartest primates?

Intelligence is our most complex characteristic. Some would even say it defines us, setting us apart from other primates. And now, a new study – published this week by Hennady P. Shulha and colleagues…

Is AEG an ancient genetic molecule?

AEG - a small molecule that can link into chains, which has been synthesised and studied by the pharmaceutical industry…
We share many behaviours and characteristics with our primate cousins and now we know our blood types are more closely linked as well. AAP Image/Taronga Zoo

As easy as A, B … humans and other primates are blood brothers

A study published in PNAS this week has confirmed that human blood types were present in one of our ancient primate ancestors. The ABO blood groups Beloved by genetics teachers the world over, the ABO…
Despite being bombarded with messages promoting being thin, not all women respond in the same way. AAP

Desire to be thin linked to genetics

Eating disorders that stem from a desire to be thin can be blamed in part on genetics, according to a new US study. The study, published this week in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, found…
The concept of junk DNA has been debunked by a massive new genetic mapping project. AAP

Human Genome 2.0: ENCODE project debunks ‘junk’ DNA

DNA previously written off as junk actually acts as a lever controlling genetic activity, leading to health or illness, reveals a massive new genetic mapping project. It’s been ten years since the human…
More than 99.5% of the genome is identical between two humans, but that still leaves 15m positions to search through. fdecomite

Personal genomics: where science fiction meets reality

Imagine a future where doctors take a strand of your hair or a drop of your blood and tell you your DNA predicts a 78% risk of developing heart disease. On the plus side, it also predicts exactly which…
The stories behind the Human Genome Project are themselves extraordinarily human. widdowquinn

Explainer: what is the Human Genome Project?

For many decades humans have pursued work to characterise the human genome. Today, publicly available references to genome sequences are available and have been instrumental in effecting recent advances…
Scientists are looking for ever-more-sophisticated ways to find and optimise athletes. Steven Johnson

Athletic ability and genetics: can science spot a sure-fire winner?

For more than 50 years, sport scientists have used a variety of physical tests to try and identify those exceptional athletes who walk among us. Despite most countries having some sort of athlete talent…

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