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Artikel-artikel mengenai Genetics

Menampilkan 621 - 640 dari 663 artikel

Professor Scott O'Neill inspects the first Wolbachia Aedes aegypti mosquitoes released in North Queensland. In this trial, Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes, which don’t pass dengue fever onto humans, went on to breed with local populations and begat new generations of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes. Photo: Eliminate Dengue program

World first Wolbachia bacterium field trial success offers dengue hope

World-first field trials of a new technique to stop mosquitoes passing the dangerous and painful dengue virus onto humans have been declared a success, with plans afoot to roll out the method in dengue-plagued…

Iberian lynx not doomed by its genetics

The low genetic diversity of the Iberian lynx – the most endangered carnivore in Europe – may not decrease the species’ chance…
These genes exert their influence through the immune system. Flickr/Natashacld

Revealed: 57 pieces of the MS puzzle

In one of the largest human genetic studies ever undertaken, scientists have identified the major common genetic variants that contribute to the cause of the devastating neurological disease, multiple…

Unusual gene variants linked to ADHD

New research has identified more genes related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and shows an overlap between…
A test case is slated to challenge Myriad’s claim for breast cancer genetic mutations next February. TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³/Flickr

Patent controversy: don’t let breast cancer gene genie out of the bottle

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has found Myriad Genetics is entitled to patents on two sets human genetic mutations used to predict if women have an increased risk of breast and ovarian…

DNA linked to heart attacks

A specific DNA variant is linked with a person’s likelihood of suffering sudden cardiac death, according to researchers at…

Limb gene present in ancient fish

A genetic instruction controlling limb development was present in fish almost half a billion years ago, researchers at a…

New clues to auto-immune arthritis

New information about a form of auto-immune arthritis which can damage the spine has been found by researchers from the University…
Sequencing the potato genome paves the way for breeding out vulnerability to blight, a disease that decimated crops and helped cause the Irish Potato Famine. Flickr/Ben Millett

Scientists sequence potato genome to boost blight fight

Scientists have unlocked the complex genetic code of the potato, paving the way for new techniques to breed a tougher, more disease-resistant tuber. Potatoes are crucial to global food security but are…

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