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Artikel-artikel mengenai GM crops

Menampilkan 1 - 20 dari 33 artikel

Cows at the University of California, Davis beef research facility. Photo credit: Alison Van Eenennaam/ University of California, Davis

Gene-edited food regulations: whether it’s a plant or animal shouldn’t matter, but it does now

According to current regulations, animals that have been genetically edited, like pigs or cows, are considered drugs. What are the consequences of such rules on American livestock and agriculture?
Many parts of Africa suffer from food insecurity. Here, women and children wait to be registered before a food distribution. REUTERS/Siegfried Modola

I fight anti-GMO fears in Africa to combat hunger

Predictions suggest that Africa will suffer dramatic losses of crops and productive land as the climate warms. Perhaps adopting GM crops designed to tolerate stress can save the continent from famine.
Synthetic biology has the potential to change how we do agriculture – but will the public accept it? from

A fresh opportunity to get regulation and engagement right – the case of synthetic biology

Synthetic biology is highly promising – but if we don’t get the regulation and engagement right, we risk alienating members of the public, and may even close doors for potentially fruitful research.
Our modern crops need some help in the immunity department. Andy / Andrew Fogg

Can we ‘vaccinate’ plants to boost their immunity?

Modern agriculture is synonymous with monoculture. That lack of diversity is bad news for plants’ natural immune defenses. Researchers are figuring out how to help plants fend off microbes – without pesticides.

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