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Artikel-artikel mengenai Happiness

Menampilkan 201 - 220 dari 229 artikel

Chocolate heaven. Charlie Dave

Why chocolate really is the secret to happiness

Money may not buy happiness or grow on trees but when it comes to chocolate, it seems you can have both. Chocolate really does grow on trees and the chemical feel-good factor comes from the world’s most…
Can the pursuit of happiness as an evolutionary phenomenon really be explained to a scientific standard?

Wired for happiness? Evolutionary psychology falls short of science

Has evolution wired you to pursue happiness? Some researchers think so. The granddaddy of positive psychology Martin Seligman draws on evolutionary theory – or at least its bastard offspring, evolutionary…
Building stronger personal relationships and collective well-being are proven to promote greater happiness. Swamibu/Flickr

Government goals and policy get in the way of our happiness

Australian government policy and happiness research are pointing in very different directions. A prime goal of government policy is economic growth. Many Australians go along with this, assuming that more…
Like humans, ‘man’s best friend’ can sense our emotions through voice alone. Flickr/TheGiantVermin

Dogs hear human happiness – it’s in his (or her) master’s voice

Dogs really are our best friends. A study published today in Current Biology shows not only do dogs and humans read emotions in each other’s “voices”, but both are more attuned to “happy” sounds. And the…
Is this really the kind of society we want? zoomar

The happiness agenda makes for miserable policy

How happy do you feel today? How satisfied are you with your life? Do you think your life has any worth? These are the kind of questions increasingly put to survey respondents as academics and politicians…
How are you feeling today? Mobile phones tell us more than ever. Jonathan Adami

Mobile phones are a window to the soul in modern research

What does your world look like? What are the contours of your neighbourhood? How are you feeling today? Mobile phones are increasingly providing us with the answers to these questions. In our daily activities…
We need a better way of understanding and predicting how well our society is doing. Klesta/Flickr

A more sustainable Australia: measuring success

**A more sustainable Australia.* As the 2013 election campaign continues, we’ve asked academics to look at some of the long-term issues affecting Australia – the issues that will shape our future.* How…
When you’re smiling: research has previously shown the more politically conservative you are, the happier you tend to be. But how true is it? AAP/Alan Porritt

Jokers to the right: why conservatives are happier

Although Labor supporters may find it easier to smile since the impending election became something of a contest in June, Coalition voters may always have more to smile about. It has nothing to do with…
Wanting things can make you happier than purchasing them straight away. Shutterstock

Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can put it on lay-by

The fact that that money can’t buy you happiness is generally well accepted. Happiness, it appears, is more about meaning and satisfaction than the acquisition of more stuff. But money isn’t all bad. It…
Finding happiness is about more than making money. Rui Vieira/PA

Economic migration may not lead to happiness

People who move to wealthier countries surely expect that migration will lead them to a better life – but new research suggests that economic migrants are unlikely to achieve greater happiness in their…
There’s more to life than buying stuff. Steve Parsons/PA

Austerity may have breathed new life into true happiness

We are now five years into the largest financial crisis in decades and yet, paradoxically, people don’t seem to be more unhappy than they were before. The UK ranked 10th of the countries surveyed for the…
Want to be happy? It’s all about the green.

It’s official: city parks make us happy

Spending time with nature in our cities’ parks and gardens can improve individual satisfaction in life and make us less aggressive, anxious and stressed. So isn’t it time we placed access to nature alongside…

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