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Artikel-artikel mengenai Higher education funding

Menampilkan 201 - 212 dari 212 artikel

Headaches ahead. Tired businessman image

New standards could make university finances appear at risk

Winning large research and capital grants could soon bring unwanted headaches for UK universities along with all the acclaim. From the next academic year, their accountants will be expected to adopt new…
Four years after mass protests, dreams of going to uni are dropping. Tim Ireland/PA Archive/Press Association Images

Can we stop worrying about university application rates?

It was clear that recent fundamental changes to the way we pay for university in England would have longstanding ramifications for young people’s plans for their future. Two years into the new fee regime…
Give me a white coat any day. UCL Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Is postgraduate study still just for the elite?

The funding climate for the public sector in England has been as inclement as the actual weather recently. So the government’s recent allocation of £50m to bring down the barriers for entry into postgraduate…
Laden with bad economics. thisisbossi

Why the government shouldn’t privatise the student loan book

The announcement that the government intends to sell off part of the student loan book is perhaps no surprise, but it is bad economics. Debt from student loans is currently a groaning £46.6 billion on…
Senator Carr promised to examine the proposed funding changes within existing budget constraints. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Kim Carr concerned by student numbers: the experts respond

The rise of student numbers in Australian universities that followed the lifting of a cap on enrolment quotas last year is concerning, newly-minted Higher Education Minister Kim Carr said today. Under…
We still don’t know what works when it comes to opening up universities.

Cuts to diversity spending are no great loss for universities

In his spending review, Chancellor George Osborne announced cuts to the universities budget, targeted mainly at funding used to encourage students from under-represented groups to apply for university…

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