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Artikel-artikel mengenai Israel-Palestine conflict

Menampilkan 81 - 100 dari 109 artikel

People in Montréal attend a demonstration on May 15, 2021, to denounce Israel’s military actions in the Palestinian territories. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

University presidents’ trip to Israel undermines academic freedom and democracy

When universities are seen as favouring one position on the Palestine/Israel issue, their ability to uphold academic freedom as a fundamental tenet of democracy is jeopardized.
Palestinian artists draw a mural of hunger striker Hisham Abu Hawash. MOHAMMED ABED/AFP via Getty Images

Inmates’ hunger strikes take powerful stands against injustice

The power of the hunger strike lies in its utter simplicity. Anyone can choose to forego eating, even when living under extremely restricted conditions.
The scene in Srinagar, in Indian-administered Kashmir, after an Aug. 10, 2021, grenade attack by militants that wounded at least nine civilians. Kashmir has experienced sporadic violence for more than seven decades, including three wars. Yawar Nazir/Getty Images

India and Pakistan fought 3 wars over Kashmir - here’s why international law falls short to solve this territorial dispute

Kashmir has been in conflict since 1947, despite repeated UN and US interventions. An expert in security studies explains why international law has failed to keep the peace.
Palestinian university student Mira Krayem, 24, poses for a picture in an alley of the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila in Lebanon’s capital Beirut, on May 21, 2021. Anwar Amro/AFP

Young Palestinians in Lebanon face discrimination from all sides

Paulo Freire’s concept of “conscientization”, or critical consciousness, helps us better understand the lives of young Palestinians, particularly those living in Lebanese refugee camps.
Without a formal constitution, Israelis disagree on such basic issues as whether Israel is a Jewish state. Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images

How Israel’s missing constitution deepens divisions between Jews and with Arabs

Governed by a changeable body of ‘basic laws,’ Israel never settled basic questions like the rights of religious minorities. These destabilizing issues will continue to fester under a new government.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a briefing at the Hakirya military base in Tel Aviv on May 19, 2021. Sebastian Scheiner/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

As trust between Israeli Jews and Arabs reaches new lows, Netanyahu rises again

There are two splits in public opinion about the current Israel-Palestine violence, though everyone has the same set of facts. A cognitive psychologist explains how this can happen.

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