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Artikel-artikel mengenai Leadership

Menampilkan 381 - 400 dari 443 artikel

Australians are losing public confidence that Australia’s leaders can tackle our “wicked problems”. AAP/ Lukas Coch

Australians to our leaders: ‘lift your game and think long term’

Recent comments from the Business Council of Australia reflect a shift in the public debate about reform and the national agenda. Specifically, BCA President Catherine Livingstone has called for wide consultation…
Ideally, the cabinet should include four of the seven types of leaders - and only two of those make effective prime ministers. AAP/Lukas Coch

The real leadership challenge: only six Liberals are suitable to be PM

Analysis of the mindsets and responses of thousands of senior leaders tells us only about 7% are likely to have the right stuff to lead effective government responses to wicked problems.
In contrast to incumbent Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, his potential successor, Malcolm Turnbull, is often described as ‘charismatic’. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Are ‘charismatic’ leaders really charismatic?

Those of us who study politics are fortunate, but also unfortunate, to work in an academic field whose terms are widely used and abused in public debate. “Populist”, which I’ve written about here, is one…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott confers with his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, during question time. AAP/Lukas Coch

Why Credlin is seen to have gone too far as PM’s right-hand woman

Peta Credlin is in the classic “double bind” of all women in power: if they take charge, they transgress the gendered expectations that “female qualities” are best suited to a supporting role.
Tony Abbott is offering logical evidence and emotional appeals, but the rhetorical problem is his own loss of credibility and authority. AAP/Mick Tsikas

The prime ministerial promise to change: can it work?

“Is it me?” That was the question John Howard reportedly asked his cabinet colleagues as his government remained stubbornly behind in the polls in 2007. One of those colleagues, Tony Abbott, now confronts…
Recent surveys have highlighted a deeper malaise in the public’s faith in its core institutions and leaders. AAP/Lukas Coch

What can governments and leaders do when trust evaporates?

The 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer points to an “evaporation of trust” in institutions and leaders worldwide. The annual survey finds a decline in trust overall, with more countries classified as distrusting…
Since Kevin Rudd welcomed Tony Abbott to The Lodge 17 months ago, startling parallels between the prime ministerial struggles of the two populist leaders have emerged. AAP/Alan Porritt

Problem with cut-through politics is leaders can swiftly be cut down

The unsuccessful Liberal leadership spill on Monday arose from two disjunctures: between the electorate and the political class, and the leadership and backbench. This former disjuncture has occurred since…
If Tony Abbott loses his job as Liberal leader, the two major parties will have changed their leaders seven times since the 2007 election. AAP/Nikki Short

Leadership crises turn short-term thinking into long-term failure

As the public awaits the result of a motion to spill the Liberal Party leadership, MPs, political observers and the public alike should seriously consider what the never-ending spill culture means for…

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