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Artikel-artikel mengenai Leadership

Menampilkan 401 - 420 dari 443 artikel

Is everything awesome for the CEOs at Davos? julochka

Has the CEO really changed or is it business as usual?

Are you a conscious leader? In recent years, the role and self-image of the CEO has apparently changed. The idea of conscious leadership arose out of the conscious capitalism movement and changes the game…
Don’t let stress get the better of you. Michal Kowalski/shutterstock

Explainer: what is emotional intelligence and why do you need it?

British politician, Andrew Mitchell is clearly a highly intelligent man. He’s well-educated, good at his job and was once tipped for the political heights. But his behaviour that came to light as a result…
So I’m just going to lie down here and you call me when it’s over. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

It’s surprisingly easy to oust David Cameron

Much speculation has surrounded Ed Miliband’s position as Labour leader since word of a campaign against him has spread. But less attention has been focused on David Cameron’s position as Conservative…
All male boardrooms are a thing of the past. Everett Collection via Shutterstock

More women on FTSE 100 boards, but still not enough

The number of women on the boards of FTSE 100 companies has reached 22.8% and 17.4% for FTSE 250 companies according to the latest Women on Boards Interim Report. This is significant progress for gender…
Honing in on Siemens’ strengths. Siemens

Some key lessons for strategists from success at Siemens

While General Electric (GE) has been the worst-performing stock on the Dow Jones this year, amid calls from analysts for the conglomerate to break up, its European rival Siemens has been busy repositioning…
Corporations need our help. Crispin Semmens

How to pull the plug on irresponsible capitalism

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has proposed a plan to stop companies from avoiding billions of dollars in taxes. As we know from the scandals surrounding Amazon, Starbucks, Vodafone…
Root and Branch review in the offing at Tesco? Facundo Arrizabalaga/EPA

New Tesco CEO might enjoy the benefits of a dramatic debut

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The well-known words of Winston Churchill are probably on the mind of Dave Lewis, the new CEO of Tesco. The company faced what many deemed to be the worst crisis…
Under investigation. EPA/Maurizio Gamberini

Doubt for Lagarde’s leadership means doubt for the IMF

To have one leader investigated for serious misconduct may be regarded as misfortune; to have two come under investigation looks like carelessness. But the International Monetary Fund finds itself in that…
In his response to MH17, prime minister Tony Abbott acted according to some personal and cultural expectations of leadership. AAP/Alan Porritt

Abbott’s leadership role models serve him well in MH17 crisis

It was the bloodshot eyes that conveyed to one journalist the strain and weariness weighing upon prime minister Tony Abbott as he dealt with the MH17 tragedy. Australians learned of the office naps between…
Facing wicked problems, can Tony Abbott deliver leadership that is ‘about vision, about people buying in, about empowerment and, most of all, producing useful change’? AAP/Lukas Coch

Leadership: what it is (and isn’t)

Despite our familiarity with – and craving for – leadership, its precise meaning is often elusive and resistant to consensual definition. Partly because of this, actions that are adjudged as exemplary…
Why do company leaders get a different level of training to frontline managers?

Productivity push should focus on frontline managers

Australia has more than two million registered businesses, and at least equally that number of actual places of work. These range from one and two person workplaces to groups of 100 people plus. These…

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