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Artikel-artikel mengenai Materials science

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Molecules are often separated by their size, shape or other properties. twomeows/Moment via Getty Images

Separating molecules is a highly energy-intensive but essential part of drug development, desalination and other industrial processes – improving membranes can help

Around half of US industrial energy use goes toward separating molecules in industrial processes. Developing materials that can withstand harsh industrial conditions can help increase efficiency.
Room-temperature superconductors could make high-speed maglev trains more practical. Visual China Group via Getty Images

Room-temperature superconductors could revolutionize electronics – an electrical engineer explains the materials’ potential

Superconductors make highly efficient electronics, but the ultralow temperatures and ultrahigh pressures make them costly and difficult to use. Room-temperature superconductors promise to change that.
Magnetic levitation is just one of the interesting attributes that make superconductors so interesting. Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library vie Getty Images

How do superconductors work? A physicist explains what it means to have resistance-free electricity

Superconductors are materials that can transmit electricity without any resistance. Researchers are getting closer to creating superconducting materials that can function in everyday life.

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