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Artikel-artikel mengenai Mental health

Menampilkan 1861 - 1880 dari 2055 artikel

Bruises fade, but stress stays on. Teenager bullying image via Helder Almeida/Shutterstock

The health impact of childhood bullying can last a lifetime

It is still not clear how the experience of being bullied in childhood translates into long-lasting health problems. A new US study has found that victims of bullying have high levels of a protein in their…

More people talking about mental health

People who suffer from mental health problems are now more willing to disclose their experiences, according to a recent study…
Surprisingly few police have the knowledge and skills to know how to deal with people in crisis. Shutterstock

Training police to better respond to people with mental illness

Police officers encounter people with mental illnesses every day, whether they are perpetrators, victims, or witnesses of crime. In 2013 alone, NSW police responded to more than 40,000 mental health incidents…
Rosie Batty responded to the death of her son, Luke Batty, at his father’s hands with a brave public plea for understanding of the difficult reality they all faced. Supplied

Violence and mental illness: harsh reality demands sensitive answers

The violent and senseless death of 11-year-old Luke Batty in Victoria has not only drawn attention to the serious problem of family violence but has also raised questions about the role that undiagnosed…
The benefits of forced treatment at home are not clear cut. PhotographPhil

Jury out over forced home treatment for mental illness

The principle that people with mental health problems can be given treatment against their will while detained in hospital is well established. In the UK the Mental Health Act 2007 extended this principle…
The research debunks the ‘smoking makes you relaxed’ myth. ydhsu/Flickr

Quitting smoking reduces stress, depression and anxiety

Quitting smoking is associated with reduced depression and anxiety, and has a similar effect to antidepressant drugs for mood disorders, British researchers have found. Published today in the journal BMJ…
Past failures cannot detract from the significance of documenting current abuses of children Stephen Mitchell

Back to the future: revisiting the treatment of child asylum seekers

The 1,000-plus children currently detained in immigration detention facilities in Australia and Nauru are at risk of serious mental health and developmental problems. The Human Rights Commission this week…
Mental health problems beset prisoners at very high rates. v1ctor Casale

Prison suicides betray problems with our criminal justice system

Nick Clegg has launched the Department of Health’s latest action plan for mental health services, Closing the Gap: priorities for essential change in mental health. While the report was overshadowed by…
Research into the complex causes of schizophrenia continues. shutterstock

The genetics behind schizophrenia just got more complex

An international team of researchers has found that the cause of schizophrenia is even more complex than already believed, with rare gene mutations contributing to the disorder. In two studies published…
Teen mental health problems are not a ‘life sentence’. Image from

Half of teens outgrow depression and anxiety

Around half of teens who experience a brief episode of depression or anxiety do not go on to have a mental illness in adulthood, according to a study from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Half…

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