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Artikel-artikel mengenai New South Wales

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Health objectives are at last being integrated into all levels of planning in New South Wales, from cities and towns to local places and buildings. pisaphotography/Shutterstock

With health assuming its rightful place in planning, here are 3 key lessons from NSW

The connections between city planning and health are many and varied, but getting health objectives integrated into all aspects of planning in New South Wales has been a long struggle.
The travelling stock routes are a precious national resource.

Review of historic stock routes may put rare stretches of native plants and animals at risk

Australia’s iconic stock routes are now public land, used for everything from conservation to recreation. A government review may change that.
A ‘thinned’ landscape, which provides far from ideal habitat for many species.

Land clearing on the rise as legal ‘thinning’ proves far from clear-cut

Legal vegetation ‘thinning’ is contributing to high rates of land clearing, potentially causing problems for threatened species and ecosystems.
Our land-title system originated in the mid-19th century when Sir Robert Richard Torrens campaigned to reform Adelaide’s chaotic deeds-based land system. National Library of Australia

Torrens, our land-title pioneer, might have approved of privatised registries

Sir Robert Richard Torrens – the man behind Australia’s ‘Torrens system’ of land-title registration – was an economic liberal who might have approved of privatising title registries.
Lismore received a drenching from the tail end of Tropical Cyclone Debbie. AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Northern NSW is no stranger to floods, but this one was different

The record floods of 1954 and 1974 still stand as Lismore’s high-water marks. But Tropical Cyclone Debbie delivered her deluge far more abruptly than the rains that triggered those historic floods.
Sydney’s summer was the hottest on record. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Climate change’s signature was writ large on Australia’s crazy summer of 2017

New South Wales has just had its hottest summer on record – an event that was made 50 times more likely by humans’ impact on the climate.
Emergency crews tackle a bushfire at Boggabri, one of dozens across NSW during the heatwave. AAP/Karen Hodge

Climate change doubled the likelihood of the New South Wales heatwave

Heat records have tumbled across New South Wales as the state suffered through the weekend’s heatwave. A new analysis shows that climate change made this kind of event much less of a rarity.
Helicopters hover over Bondi Beach after spotting a shark. AAP Image/NEWZULU/TOM CASKA

How drones can help fight the war on shark attacks

LIfeguards could potentially have a new ally in the fight to reduce shark incidents: drones that can spot when a shark swims nearby, and automatically alert authorities.
Shelly Beach near Ballina, one of the new shark net locations, was the scene of a fatal shark attack in February 2015. Dave Hunt/AAP

Not just nets: how to stop shark attacks without killing sharks

Shark nets are controversial, which is why the New South Wales government is investigating a host of other ways to keep humans and sharks apart – some more tried and tested than others.
Bushfires were the most common disaster in New South Wales over the past decade. AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy

Natural disasters are affecting some of Australia’s most disadvantaged communities

Researchers have found a disaster “hotspot” in northern New South Wales, where nearly half of the state’s most disadvantaged communities are found.

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