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Artikel-artikel mengenai Policymaking

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Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre delivers a speech at the Canada Building Trades Union conference in April 2024 in Gatineau, Québec. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Poilievre’s suggestion that businesses should lobby the people, not government, is problematic

Requiring businesses to lobby through the people, not government, as Pierre Poilievre recently suggested, may sound like a better way to make policy. It’s not.
Canada should be making room for measures of personal and collective well-being other than GDP, including price stability, lower levels of inequality and happiness. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Economic growth tops the priority list for Canadian policymakers — here’s why

Drawing on insights from their recent book, two academics shed light on why Canada’s anemic growth should be a cause for concern.
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that the connections between science and policy need to be reconsidered. (Shutterstock)

Canadian ethicists recognize the critical importance of science and research

A new standing committee will ensure that Canadian federal policy is based on science. The committee should consider critical ethical thinking, scholarship and action, as well as legal frameworks and sociocultural values.
Scientists must remember that farmers are focused on the best return from their inputs with little risk as possible. Dominic Chavez/World Bank/Flickr

How soil scientists can do a better job of making their research useful

Soil scientists have rarely gone the extra mile to translate their knowledge into forms that can be integrated into economic decision making.
The HECS system is a hybrid policy approach that ensures Australian universities remain accessible while funding remains sustainable. Dean Lewins/AAP

Market v government? In fact, hybrid policy is the best fit for the 21st century

From the 20th-century process of policy trial and error, the nations that married the strengths of markets and government came out ahead.

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