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Artikel-artikel mengenai Resilience

Menampilkan 201 - 208 dari 208 artikel

Flooding during Hurricane Sandy devastated New York City’s transportation and power infrastructure. Jason Howie/flickr

Flood severity along US coastline has worsened

Study finds higher risk of flooding from a combination of storm surge and heavy precipitation, particularly along the East Coast of the US.
People in Vanuatu were quick to make the most of the resources they had after Cyclone Pam hit their homes – including these boys, Manu and Leo, photographed a week after the cyclone at a school housing residents evacuated from Teouma. AAP/NEWZULU/Jeff Tan

100 days since Cyclone Pam, people across Vanuatu pause to reflect on loss and resilience

This Sunday marks 100 days since Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu, with ceremonies in villages across the nation to mourn the 11 people who died. Meanwhile, islands left brown in the aftermath are green again.
Five years on, the bush and people are recovering well from the Black Saturday fires. AAP Image/Joe Castro

Five years on from Black Saturday, most survivors are doing OK

Five years on from the devastating Black Saturday fires that swept through central Victoria in February 2009, research shows that people and communities are largely recovering well. In the first major…
Music is not cheesecake! It is an essential condition that is omnipresent in all human cultures. he boden

Class matters when it comes to music education

The Conversation is running a series, Class in Australia, to identify, illuminate and debate its many manifestations. Here, Katrina McFerran discusses how access to music education can reaffirm social…
We reap the benefits when we engage with music. Ed Yourdon

If resilience is the question, is music the answer?

What role does music play in your life? Music surrounds us, in shops, at work, on television, and at the movies. We program our own personal soundtracks effortlessly via iPods and similar devices. With…

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