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Artikel-artikel mengenai Saturated fat

Menampilkan 21 - 38 dari 38 artikel

Trans fats increase the shelf life of bakery goods and fast foods. skepticalview/Flickr

Health Check: the low-down on trans fats

When you buy commercially baked goods such as pies, pastries, cakes and biscuits, there’s a good likelihood they’ll contain one of the nastier types of fatty acids: trans fats.
The main thrust of the advisory committee’s report is that diets should be focused on whole foods, not specific nutrients. U.S. Department of Agriculture/Flickr

Expert is as expert does: in defence of US dietary guidelines

National dietary guidelines have become an easy target for those looking for a scapegoat for bad diets in rich countries. And a BMJ article about draft US guidelines adds further fuel for the fire.
Try to avoid too many saturated fatty acids by choosing oils that are liquid at room temperature. Marjan Lazarevski/Flickr

Health Check: cooking oils to eat and avoid

Health conscious consumers are increasingly ditching old favourites vegetable and canola oil for trendy alternatives like coconut and peanut oil. But are they any healthier? And how do they compare with…
A diet high in particular saturated fatty acids can increase your body’s cholesterol production. Penn State/Flickr

Health Check: are saturated fats good or bad?

Dietary guidelines cite the fact that saturated fats can increase LDL cholesterol, which is also known as bad cholesterol because it’s a major risk factor for heart disease. Others claim saturated fats…
The long-term decline in butter sales has reversed in recent years despite the continued promotion of margarine as a healthy spread. penguincakes/Flickr

What the margarine vs butter argument says about nutrition

Margarine has been the chameleon of manufactured food products, able to transform its nutritional appearance, adapt to changing nutritional fads, and charm unwitting nutrition experts and nutrition-conscious…
Choose a spread that has the lowest amount of saturated fat and trans fat per 100 grams.

Health Check: what’s healthier, butter or margarine?

Butter gets points for taste; margarine for being easy to spread. But the healthiest option is not strictly called butter or margarine – it’s a “spread”. To improve the health of your heart, choose a spread…
What should we make of the claims about saturated fats and cholesterol-lowering drugs? Image from

Viewing Catalyst’s cholesterol programs through the sceptometer

On the past two Thursdays, the ABC’s Catalyst program set off a chain reaction of protest from sections of the medical community, aghast that the non-medical media would question the accepted wisdom that…
A diet high in trans and saturated fats is strongly linked with coronary heart disease. Phil Burns

It’s not even debatable, saturated fat is bad for you

Earlier this week, the BMJ published an article claiming advice that saturated fat intake should be minimised to reduce heart disease is flawed. While this may sound tempting, it’s just not the case. The…
The author’s key message is diametrically opposed to that of just about every reputable nutrition authority in the world. Sexy Eggs/Flickr

Peer review: David Gillespie’s Toxic Oil

A best-selling book about nutrition has a power to influence the national diet that many health professionals can only dream about. And, if David Gillespie’s success is anything to go by, being a layman…

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