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Artikel-artikel mengenai Secondary education

Menampilkan 61 - 76 dari 76 artikel

London’s schools have started to. David Parry/PA Wire

Why London’s secondary schools have improved so much

London’s secondary schools have seen rapid improvement in the last decade. Inner London moved from being the worst-performing region in England in 2003 to having better school results than any region outside…
Punching a hole through privilege. Ben Birchall/PA Archive

English grammar schools try to shake off middle class bias

England’s 164 state grammar schools form a distinctive but controversial part of the nation’s education system. These schools are distinctive in terms of their high levels of performance – one consequence…
Random school place generator. Jeremy Brooks

How ballots and banding are shaking up school admissions

As parents across England wait nervously for news of where their children have been allocated a secondary school place, new admissions policies of banding and ballots have come under scrutiny. The recent…
Once you done that there’s plenty more to be getting on with. stuartpilbrow

Shock or yawn, PISA just preps children for a global work race

The triennial jamboree that is the publication of the OECD PISA tests kicked off with the usual round of blaming and name calling among politicians. Both sides of the political debate naturally found ammunition…
ABC, easy as 1 to 9? albertogp123

New-look exams from Gove, same old political ambition

Having floated ideas about return to O-level style examinations and an English baccalaureate certificate, education secretary Michael Gove has given in to opposition and stuck with the GCSE. But the reforms…

Teaching history without the books

Replacing textbooks with songs, diaries and illustrations improves the learning outcomes of history students, research from…
Handing out marks is usually for teachers, now the whole school system is under review. AAP/Stefan Postles

Gonski review: time for a new vision for Australian education

Australia’s educational system must be one of the most over-reviewed in the OECD. Hundreds of Select Committees – Federal and State, Upper and Lower House in the past 20 years have reviewed teacher quality…
Watch your maths: an Australian Academy of Science report looks to be based around mistaken use or interpretation of numbers. Flickr/emdot.

Science not plummeting in schools: report is ‘way out’

The Federal Department of Education says it advised the Australian Academy of Science’s authors of a break in the series of student-numbers when it supplied the data. The lead author, Professor Denis Goodrum…

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