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Artikel-artikel mengenai Telecommunications

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Huawei’s technology HQ in Shenzen. Brücke-Osteuropa

Keeping tabs on Huawei raises awkward questions for everyone

In its often fractious dealings with western governments, Chinese tech giant Huawei has been repeatedly accused of being a proxy for government espionage and other practices unbecoming of a global corporation…
BlackBerry smartphones, nice but too late. Achmad Ibrahim/AP

BlackBerry #fail shows perpetual dilemma of tech innovators

It is now well known that successful companies often have an annoying habit of missing the next big thing. Harvard’s Clayton Christensen coined it the innovator’s dilemma. He also produced advice on how…
Consumers are excited about the launch of the iPhone 5S - but the pricing game means bargains are unlikely. AAP

In the game of iPhone pricing, consumers are the losers

Game theory is a branch of strategic decision making that tries to predict how players in any strategic game are likely to act. It can be applied in many situations and it can also help to explain what…
Workers install a fibre optic cable for the government’s National Broadband Network (NBN).

FactCheck: will the NBN take another 20 years to complete?

“At the current rate of roll-out, the National Broadband Network (NBN) won’t cover the whole country for 20 years.” – Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, National Press Club, 11 August. The above claim on the…
The glory days. Nokia’s 8250 and the iconic 3210. Brad Scruse

In an escalation of commitment, Nokia becomes Microsoft

Microsoft’s takeover of Nokia’s mobile phone division won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone who has kept an eye on the pair for any length of time. Two years ago, the two companies decided to collaborate…
The US and Finland: united by ice hockey and not much else. RicLaf

Microsoft-Nokia culture clash will be tough to overcome

Among Western nations it would be difficult to find two cultures as different as the US and Finland. Americans are stereotypically confident and outgoing; Finns considerably more reserved. This is even…
Lily Cole contemplates BlackBerry options. Matt Crossick/PA

BlackBerry has a future, but it’s not in handsets

The news that BlackBerry is considering “strategic alternatives”, including a possible sale, will come as no surprise to anyone who has followed its decline in recent years. Once a smartphone pioneer…
BT is the new player. Nick Potts/PA

Kick off for BT’s big bet on television sport

Premier League fans will find their viewing experience complicated by the arrival of BT Sport this season, and there has been much public scrutiny of who will screen which matches and for how much. On…
The view is nice, but what about the bill? Moomettes

Stop moaning about roaming, we’ve never had it so good

Ever been on holiday and spent the next few weeks living in fear of the resulting phone bill? Well, if European regulators have their way, these fears could soon be a thing of past. After first cutting…
It’s good news for customers, but there are limits to what the ITU can achieve. rayand

International roaming charges rip-off: the ITU gets involved …

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has entered the debate about excessive international roaming charges by recommending measures that will improve consumer awareness and encourage operators…
Optus may be offering a great service to customers, but is it right? AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Optus should know there’s no such thing as a free lunch … or sporting telecast

Telecommunications company Optus lost its bid to gag AFL boss, Andrew Demetriou from speaking out against its “TV Now” service, which allows customers to watch AFL or NRL broadcasts near live. Demetriou…

Satellite phones vulnerable to eavesdropping

Satellite telephones used by military and emergency relief organisations and usually considered secure from eavesdropping…

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