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Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is one of the world’s best modern universities. Home to 28,000 students across three campuses, AUT has over 60 research centres and institutes delivering leading research – from artificial intelligence to robotics, and ecology to public health. As a contemporary university, AUT is connected to an extraordinary range of organisations worldwide; sharing expertise and resources, collaborating on ground-breaking research, and connecting students with industry leaders and employers.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 325 articles

Krystal Randall

Photos from the field: spying on Antarctic moss using drones, MossCam, smart sensors and AI

It was the trip of a lifetime for an Australian research team studying moss in Antarctica. After two months at Casey Station they returned with great videos and loads of data for further analysis.
Black Ferns rugby star Ruby Tui after winning the 2022 women’s Rugby World Cup. Getty Images

‘You can’t speak what you can’t hear’ – how Māori and Pacific sports stars are helping revitalise vulnerable languages

More Indigenous sports stars are speaking their mother tongues in TV interviews and elsewhere. The challenge now is to develop truly bilingual commentary teams to keep the ball alive.
Toa Samoa perform the Siva Tau before the Rugby League World Cup final against Australia in 2022. AAP

More Pacific rugby league stars are opting to play for their homelands over Australia or NZ – that’s good for the game

By choosing to play for their ancestral homes, Pacific footballers might lose the chance of bigger pay checks, but they still win at a cultural level. And the payoff for the game is immense.
Getty Images

Learning to read for pleasure is a serious matter – NZ schools should embrace a new curriculum

A refreshed New Zealand curriculum could require teachers to emphasise the joy of reading, not just the technical skills required. Research supports this long-overdue shift in practice.
Getty Images

New economic index reveals the toll policy uncertainty can have on your investments

In periods of uncertainty, local investors could use a guiding hand. A new investment index maps out the impact of economic policy uncertainty on the rise and fall of the NZ stock market.
Getty Images

Masalah tranformasi digital yang tidak inklusif: pentingnya melayani orang yang tidak bisa akses internet

Penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar orang masih berjuang dengan transformasi digital yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah dan bisnis. Namun, solusinya belum tentu dengan menambah lebih banyak teknologi.


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