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Australian National University

ANU was established, in 1946, to advance the cause of learning and research for the nation. It is consistently ranked among the world’s best universities and many ANU graduates go on to become leaders in government, industry, research and academia.


Displaying 601 - 620 of 3787 articles

A hopping mouse from the arid desert of Australia (Notomys). Hopping mice have evolved highly efficient kidneys to deal with the low water environments of Australia’s deserts. David Paul/Museums Victoria

‘Impressive rafting skills’: the 8-million-year old origin story of how rodents colonised Australia

Australia has more than 60 species of native rodents found nowhere else in the world. New research used museum specimens to find out how they got here.
Dave Hunt/AAP

The ‘yuck factor’ pushes a premier towards desalination yet again, but history suggests recycled water’s time has come

Australian politicians have a history of opting for high-cost, high-emissions desalination projects. The Queensland government is still wary of using the largely untapped resource of recycled water.
Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, dont on voit ici le portrait couvert d’un bandeau de deuil affiché dans les locaux de la Fondation qui porte son nom à Moscou, est mort le 31 août 2022. Alexander Nemenov/AFP

Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, figure emblématique et tragique de la fin de l’URSS

Son nom restera à jamais associé au démantèlement de l’URSS, qu’il n’a pourtant pas souhaité. Retour sur la vie de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, l’un des acteurs historiques les plus marquants du XXᵉ siècle.
El expresidente soviético Mijaíl Gorbachov (1931 - 2022) y el expresidente de Estados Unidos Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004). Boris Yurchenko/AP

Mijaíl Gorbachov: una figura trascendental pero trágica

Como otros fracasados reformadores de la historia, el principal legado de Gorbachov es recordarnos lo que podría haber sido, pero no fue.
Murid bisa memahami agama teman-teman mereka dengan lebih baik jika mendapatkan pendidikan tentang agama-agama dunia dan cara pandang yang beragam. (Shutterstock)

Demi dunia yang aman untuk anak, sekolah perlu ajarkan tentang beragam agama dan cara pandang: berkaca dari Australia

Mengajarkan anak tentang keberagaman agama dan pandangan, terutama yang ada dalam lingkungan sosial mereka, bisa membantu meredam prasangka buruk terkait agama yang seringkali kita lihat di media.


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