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Bond University

Bond University is Australia’s leading independent, not-for-profit university. Established in 1989, Bond had earned a reputation for its commitment to creating and supporting the next generation of corporate and community leaders and thinkers.


Displaying 381 - 400 of 445 articles

Gerard Baden-Clay’s murder of his wife Allison has helped put the spectre of domestic violence firmly back in the national spotlight. How prevalent is it? AAP/Dan Peled

Out of the shadows: the rise of domestic violence in Australia

Once a hidden crime, domestic violence has in recent years emerged as a mainstream criminal justice issue in Australia. Cases such as Queensland man Gerard Baden-Clay’s murder of his wife Allison and the…
Massive Open Online Courses may be fun and cheap, but they don’t really replicate the on-campus experience. Flickr/Sharla Sava

The value of MOOCs lies with employers

One often sees news stories about how changes in information technology are killing off different industries. Newspapers are read online rather than in print, and who bought a book in a physical shop lately…
What are the invisible challenges facing men who want to be engaged fathers or simply care for children? Abhijit Patil

Fighting for fatherhood, the other glass ceiling

Washington father Aaron Dickson’s video in which he takes his three-year old daughter on her “first date” went viral yesterday attracting acclaim (which is great) and disgust (which is disappointing…
Why did the Baden-Clay domestic homicide case in Queensland grab so much media and public attention? AAP/Dan Peled

Intimate partner homicide, the media and the Baden-Clay case

When Brisbane man Gerard Baden-Clay rang police to report his wife Allison missing on April 20, 2012, he set in motion a series of events that would lead to his arrest, trial and ultimately his conviction…
Some recommendations are straightforward: more fruit and veg, less alcohol and meat. But for calcium, it’s more complicated. ransomtech/Flickr

Six foods that increase or decrease your risk of cancer

If you believe cancer is a disease that strikes from nowhere with little in your control to prevent it, you’d be mistaken on both counts. Most cases of cancer are considered preventable by positive nutrition…
Through Facebook, the Bundy Bear’s message becomes part of fans’ everyday story, bypassing restrictions on how the product is promoted.

New face of alcohol promotion defies advertising restrictions

The Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA) recommended in a draft report in February that the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) should include all forms of marketing within its self-regulatory…
A European court ruling may mean Google must ‘allow’ the internet to forget. Image sourced from

Google court ruling creates a more forgetful internet

Have you ever ‘googled’ your name? Many people do, and some find search results about themselves they rather not find publicly available on the internet. The question is; what do you do when that happens…
The use of crystal meth among Australians continues to increase and remains at a high level, according to a new report. AAP/NSW Police

Ice age: the rise of crystal meth in Australia

The 2012-13 Australian Crime Commission (ACC) Illicit Drug Data Report, released earlier this week, provides mounting evidence that crystal meth is becoming a large-scale problem for law enforcement and…
Practices such as listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope, which are part of general health checks, don’t have evidence of benefit. Bart/Flickr

Health Check: should you get general health check-ups?

The publication of a meta-analysis earlier this year showing annual health checks are useful has revived a long-running debate about the worthiness of the practice. General health checks started in the…
IWhile the murders of Sophie Collombet and others have given prominence to the issue of violence against tourists, it is still statistically rare for a international visitor to Australia to become a murder victim. AAP/Dan Peled

Murder down under: is Australia a dangerous place to visit?

The murder of French student Sophie Collombet in Brisbane in late March has sparked a debate about the safety of travellers in Australia. A man has now been arrested and charged with Collombet’s rape and…
Increasing portion size makes an offering more attractive, but when everyone does this in order to be competitive, all available offerings become large. Penn State/Flickr

Health check: do bigger portion sizes make you eat more?

Faced with a portion of food twice as big as what you normally consume will lead you to eat about a third more food than usual. This portion-size effect helps explain how growing serving sizes may be contributing…
Antivirals Tamiflu and Relenza were stockpiled by governments across the world in response to the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Andrew Wales/Flickr

Tamiflu drug ‘largely ineffective’ in reducing hospitalisation: study

Antiviral drugs are largely ineffective for reducing hospital admissions and complications from influenza, and come with serious side-effects, according to a research review published by the Cochrane Collaboration…
There hasn’t been a radical increase in violent acts on public transport, despite growing public concern. AAP/Dan Peled

Tranquil travel: violence on our public transport networks

Last month, a video of an elderly man’s alleged assault on a Gold Coast bus went viral on social media after a passenger filmed the confrontation. The incident put the sometimes-ignored issue of violence…
Why isn’t it the norm for trials in Australia of immense public interest to be broadcast, as the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius in South Africa has? EPA/Kevin Sutherland

Morcombe, Pistorius and the public interest in court broadcasts

The one thing missing from the saturation coverage of the Daniel Morcombe murder trial in Brisbane late last week was courtroom vision. Media coverage of Brett Cowan’s conviction and sentencing involved…
The Mr Big technique that caught Daniel Morcombe’s killer, and ultimately led to his conviction, deserves credit for solving the long-running investigation. AAP/Supplied

Mr Big: the covert technique that solved the Morcombe case

The 2003 disappearance of 13-year-old Daniel Morcombe in Queensland highlighted the difficulties police face when investigating a potential murder with no body and no crime scene. Ultimately, it was the…
Videogames have the capacity to be complex and engaging in ways not possible in other media. Koen Van Weel/EPA

All work, all play: the art of videogame writing

Games writers dream up characters, dialogue, motivations and plot much like film screenwriters. But rather than keeping an audience captive for two or three hours at a time as in cinema, gamers will play…


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