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Charles Darwin University

Charles Darwin University is the only Australian university to offer the full spectrum of education options from senior secondary, through to Vocational Education and Training, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. As the largest tertiary institution in the Northern Territory, CDU offers a fresh approach to education, training, research and knowledge application.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 368 articles

Cedric VT/Unsplash

Herding cats: councils’ efforts to protect wildlife from roaming pets are hampered by state laws

One-third of local councils have rules to stop pet cats roaming because of their major impacts on wildlife. More councils want to get on board but many are hampered by state laws.
David Crosling/AAP

200 experts dissected the Black Summer bushfires in unprecedented detail. Here are 6 lessons to heed

In one finding, fire authorities chose to save a few farm sheds over 5,000 hectares of national park. Clearly, our fire management needs a reset.
One of the alternative communication systems written in Yolŋu. Provided by author.

A rare disease in the Top End affects muscles for speech. Here’s how we’re designing alternative ways to communicate in Yolŋu languages

Degenerative illness Machado-Joseph disease, which affects speech, is prevalent among First Nations people in northern Australia. Researchers have now created Yolŋu communication systems to help mob.
Papan “selamat datang” di Kabupaten Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timur, porak-poranda dihantam gempa dan tsunami pada 1992. Y. Benyamin S (2018)

30 tahun lalu gempa dan tsunami merusak Flores: apakah mitigasi risiko di sana kini lebih baik?

Setelah 30 tahun berlalu, bagaimana dengan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat di Flores dalam menghadapi gempa dan tsunami?
Property address has long been a problem in Ghana Wikimedia Commons

Ghana digitised its address system: its failure offers lessons to other African countries creating smart cities

Ghanaians aren’t using the new ‘smart’ street address system which was intended to improve service delivery.
Pembeli melihat berbagai jenis beras di Pasar Induk Beras Cipinang (PIBC), Jatinegara, Jakarta, 7 Novemer 2022. ANTARA FOTO/Galih Pradipta/wsj

Jumlah pengidap diabetes terus naik: mengapa nasi jadi tertuduh utama di Asia

Ketimbang menjadikan beras sebagai musuh diabetes secara total dengan peralihan pada sumber diet alternatif rendah karbohidrat, sesungguhnya ada beberapa jalan keluar.


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